Tuesday, December 17, 2013

A Basic Introduction To Piano Chords

By Leanne Goff

Learning how to master the piano takes time. In order to fully master the instrument it can take years of practise. One way to make the process a bit easier is to learn more about piano chords and how they work in order to be more comfortable with playing them.

Generally people think of pianos as quite complicated instruments. There is the fear that this is a difficult thing that takes a lot of practise. While it is true that learning the instrument takes dedication the strange thing is that in physical terms it is easier for people to position their hands to work from a piano than twisting around their arm in order to play a guitar.

The best way to start is to learn the layout of the instrument. Learning where the middle C is will make this easier. This is so called because it is the white key that is positioned in the middle of the piano and it is from here that you begin to learn where the notes are located.

A lot of chords are played in what is known as the major key. Therefore when you are asked to play a tune and they say it is an A or another note then it is in a major key. If it is played using a black key then it will be known as a sharp or a flat depending on the type of black key you play.

A major key tends to be more upbeat which is why it is often used in a lot of pop songs, often with a key change towards the climax to add more emotional uplift. However it is important to remember than a minor key is not lesser or inferior. It tends to be used for more melancholic songs. It can be interesting playing a typically upbeat song in this key as it can substantially change the tone and the meaning behind the lyrics.

Major chords are the most common form. Therefore they will tend to be referred to by letter rather than as a major. However if it is a minor key then this will usually be indicated. However as with anything if you are asked to play something and you are not sure it is best to ask rather than trying to wing it!

Developing your skills can become easier with the right tutor. They can guide you so you learn at your own pace. You can also use video tutorials and guides online to further practise and develop in between lessons. A mixture of resources will often make it easier to practise and get more confident playing your instrument. While it can seem daunting at first being able to repeat and practise over and over again will make playing more intuitive.

One way to make it easier to learn piano chords is to look up your favourite music. If you have particular songs you love listening to over and over this can be a good way of learning how to play them. With the right approach and dedication you can get the most from learning how to play your instrument.

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