Friday, December 27, 2013

Advantages Of High-Efficiency Cordless Loudspeakers

By Michelle Jaeger

I'm going to have a look at the definition of "power efficiency" that shows you just how much cordless loudspeakers waste to aid you to pick a set of cordless loudspeakers. The less efficient your cordless loudspeakers are, the more energy will be wasted which leads to many issues: Wireless loudspeakers that have low power efficiency will squander a certain amount of power. It's best to be aware of the added power cost when choosing between a high- and low-efficiency type. The wasted energy is radiated by the wireless loudspeakers as heat. To protect the circuit components, low-efficiency wireless speakers must find ways to get rid of the heat that is produced. Commonly more components must be added to radiate enough energy and sustain the ideal running temperature. These components usually are heat sinks and fans. Heat sinks and fans demand space and are costly. The cordless loudspeakers hence is going to turn out to be fairly large and costly. Also heat fans will create operating noise. Cordless speakers that have low efficiency should not be put into small spaces or inside sealed enclosures as they need a great deal of circulation.

Low-efficiency models consume more total power in order to create the identical amount of audio power as high-efficiency types. Consequently they need a bigger power source which makes the cordless loudspeakers more costly to build. Further, the thermal stress on the circuit board elements and amp materials is a lot more severe and may even reduce the reliability.

Low-efficiency products require more total energy to create the same amount of audio power as high-efficiency types. Consequently they require a larger power supply which makes the cordless speakers more expensive to construct. Additionally, the thermal stress on the circuit board components as well as amp materials is much more severe and could lessen the reliability. You'll want to look for the efficiency figure whilst on the lookout for a set of cordless loudspeakers. The best place to look is the wireless speakers data sheet. Power efficiency is generally displayed in percent. Analog Class-D amplifiers offer a power efficiency of approximately 25% while switching-mode amps offer up to 98%. Having an amp with an efficiency of 90% for instance will mean that 10% of the energy that is used is squandered while 90% can be audio power.

However, there are a few things to notice regarding efficiency. To start with, this value is dependent on the level of power that the amp is providing. Amplifiers possess higher efficiency when providing greater output power than while running at small power mainly because of the fixed power that they use up irrespective of the output power. The efficiency value in the amp data sheet is typically provided for the maximum amplifier output power.

Take note, though, that efficiency depends upon how much energy the amp delivers at a given moment. Amplifiers possess larger efficiency while delivering greater output power than while working at small power due to the fixed energy that they use up irrespective of the output power. The efficiency value in the amplifier data sheet is usually given for the highest amplifier output power. To determine the efficiency, the audio energy that is consumed by a power resistor that is attached to the amplifier is divided by the total power the amp utilizes whilst being fed a constant sine wave signal. Given that the efficiency is dependent upon the audio power, usually the output power is swept and an efficiency graph produced which is able to show the amplifier efficiency for every level of output power.

Wireless loudspeakers that employ switching-mode amplifiers have a switching stage which leads to some level of non-linear behavior. Thus wireless speakers that use Class-D amplifiers ordinarily have lower music fidelity than models utilizing analog Class-A amps. Therefore you will have to base your buying decision on whether you require small dimensions and minimal power usage or maximum music fidelity. However, digital amps have come a long way and are offering better music fidelity than in the past. Cordless loudspeakers that make use of Class-T amps come close to the audio fidelity of types which contain analog amplifiers. Therefore picking a set of wireless loudspeakers which use switching amplifier with great audio fidelity is now feasible.

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