Monday, May 5, 2014

Making A Choice Among Violin Chinrest Styles

By Tracie Knight

A chin rest may have already come with your violin but that does not make it the most suitable item for you. Thus, you should make an effort to know the best type of this product for you so you would be able to maintain the condition of your body. The right equipment would enhance your technical skills as well.

Thus, the first factor that you must be able to look at is how the object fits you. You should have the salesperson lay out all the available violin chinrest styles for you. After that, be able to fit them one by one so that you would be one step away from your final decision.

Once everything is settled with this matter, your collarbone and hands would certainly be safe from harm. You would be receiving other benefits as well. You would not be off balance when you are on stage. You will also be able to keep yourself from slouching which is something that you can never do with an ill fitting chin rest.

Now, if your chosen chin rest is not able to fit you well, then you can certainly expect to feel a sense of discomfort while you playing a tune. Your violin would not be in the right place and you might even endanger some parts of your body. These parts can include your neck which is certainly important in your role as a violinist.

If you are already using the crossover piece of your instrument to secure its position, then that only implies that your chosen rest is not doing its job. When that happens, you would be comprising you health as a violinist. Then, there would be a great possibility that you would be having a stiff neck in the days to come.

Thus, be able to go to your local instrument shop. Criticize all of its options in the rest department. If you are able to find some variations that you think would be most suitable for you, then do not hesitate to actually fit them. This would prevent you from having any regrets on the purchase that you are about to make.

Be able to take the shape of your jaw into consideration as well. Measure the total length of your neck too. All of these factors would ensure that the item that you have in your hands would contribute to your success as a violinist and not to your total destruction.

Also, avoid borrowing the rest of another violin player. Keep in mind that you do not have the same jaw shape and using his or her chin protector would only cause you trouble. If the thing that supports your jaw is already damaged, then simply be able to buy another one as soon as you can.

You would have to make sure of the reliability of your prospect store as well. The owner should be known for handling legit transactions around town. Otherwise, you would certainly not be satisfied with the items that would be handed out to you.

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