Friday, March 6, 2015

How To Find The Best Deal On Children's Woodwinds And Accessories

By Leslie Ball

If you are looking for a fun and exciting hobby for your child, you may want to consider having them learn a musical instrument. Woodwinds and accessories can be a great first step to introducing your child to playing an instrument for a number of reasons. They can be easy to learn and are available in a wide range of choices that will suit many children. Whether you like them because they are portable, nice to listen to or because they can be affordable, here is how to choose the right instrument for your child.

This particular category of instruments is rather large. Flutes, clarinets, saxophones recorders and other instruments all belong to the woodwind family. Some are larger and more complex than others. Each instrument has a range of different options that may affect how much they cost.

One thing to consider first is how old your child is and whether they have any experience playing a musical instrument. For a very young child, you may want to start them off with a recorder. They can learn how to read music as well as other basics on an instrument that is affordable and easy to learn.

You will also want to decide whether you want one with a single reed or a double reed. For affordability, single reed instruments such as clarinets and saxophones are usually more affordable than oboes, English horns or bassoons.

If your child is a bit older, you may want to show them the different options that are available. Many music shops will allow you to try them out or at least touch them and look at them up close. They may have suggestions about which option would suit a particular child best. Keep in mind that each instrument will have a range of prices attached to it depending on the quality of the instrument. A professional grade instrument may have a better sound but it will be much pricier than one that is designed for a student or a learning player.

Accessories can also make playing an instrument much easier. Look for cases that will allow your child to transport their selection to and from lessons. It can also be helpful to store the choice in the case as well to keep it from being damaged. Stands that can be collapsed and transported easily are also great as it can be easier to learn when music is held up and displayed properly.

You also need to consider the reed itself. Unless your child plays a recorder or a flute, you will need to be buying reeds. A good music shop will help you select the right one for your child. Then, once they find one they like best, you can always purchase them in larger packs so that the cost is reduced.

There are many advantages to giving a child a musical education. The right instrument can spark a life-long interest and passion and may even result in a child ending up with a great career. Choosing what they will play is only the first step in the many years to come.

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