Thursday, March 5, 2015

The Important Things You Did Not Know About DJ Vibe

By Leslie Ball

In the music industry, Disc jockeys play a central role when it comes to entrainment and things related to having fun especially festivals. One of the outstanding personalities in this industry is DJ Vibe, who from the word go has been entertaining millions of fans across the world. He is a household name for lovers of music and has transcended the boundaries of creativity in all manner of ways.

He was born Antonio Pereira and started his career at a tender age of 15 years. It was not long before his expertise hit the industry with storm. His professionalism saw him work alongside great names such as Roger Sanchez, Tony Humpheries, and the likes of Danny Tenaglia. However, it was until his collaboration with Rui da Silva that his fame crossed the borders and was recognized internationally.

At a very young age-15 years, he was able to have his first gig at club Bataclam. Ever since, things never remained the same. It was all an upward move as his fame grew day by day. The shop and club strategically located in Lisbon, gave him an upper hand in having an in-depth understanding on music trends and things related with the entertainment industry.

In the year 1985, he became one of the most respected and recognized Dj's around the city. He was a pace maker, and avid Dj dedicated to the course of giving nothing but the best. It is for this reason he was invited to open some of the iconic clubs then, including Club plateau and the famed Alacantara Mar. These were the well designed clubs in the city, unmatched in the music they played and kept reveler parting till morning.

It is important to note that his longest serving residency club was Kremlin Club. At this place, he revolutionized the club industry by playing some of the latest music releases keeping revelers on their toes up to 9-10 am. Later on, in the early 90's, he joined a group of musician and formed a band that was popularly known as LX90. It is here that he played the guitar and was also involved in live samplers.

In the year 1994, he took only radio shows hosting Dance Music show on radio antenna-3, and later on hosted the Rotations at the same radio station. Sooner, he fame grew to another level with many fans around Portugal regarding him as a top DJ. He started gaining international recognition with his show being broadcast on Kiss 100 in England. Actually, this is one of his stepping stones to start attending international festivals.

The Dj has been able to grow his audience on an internationally level and is well respected for his professionalism. In fact, based on his reputation, he is invited to co-host international events. For instance, in the years 2011, 2012, 2013, he has always been present at the Rock-in-Rio Festival. In 2012, he also attended the Dream Valley Festival, Brazil.

Overall, Vibe is not a king in the making, but a real king when it comes to the entertainment industry across the globe. He stand amongst some of the highly respected Dj's that have shaped the industry over time. In fact, he has not only created opportunities for upcoming Dj's but also creates sometime for their career development.

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