Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Raunchy Music A Reflection Of An Emerging Reality

By Iva Cannon

Music has long been a means for human expression. All known culture, including the isolated tribal societies, expanding from the prehistoric period until the present have their unique form of sounds such as raunchy music. It may be safe to conclude that instrumental or vocal sounds have been in existence even long before the dispersal of humans in the world.

Music is a reflection of many aspects in a certain society; from its way of life, social and economic make up, and the people's innermost belief and aspirations. Tracing back to the ancient people's shamanistic music as they lure animals and entertain themselves through creative mimic of nature's sound, to the Aborigines of Australia's use of Bunggul songs as they narrate epic journeys, to the church people's Gregorian chant in Medieval Europe, down to the modern world's popular sounds. Instrumental or vocal sound has always been a medium to entertain, communicate, express, and influence reality as they knew it.

One of the earliest classification of songs based on its propriety was made during the Tokugawa Period or Edo Period in Japan that lasted from 1603-1868. Dazzai Shundai, an accomplished flutist of that time described the unique functions of songs by saying: "It is music alone that can regulate and improve the heart; other techniques cannot do this". He added that instrumental or vocal sounds can either have positive or negative effects. He argued that it must be "gagaku" or proper sound and not "ingaku" or raunchy ones.

He strongly believed that through proper instrumental or vocal sounds the custom of the people will improve and through lewd or raunchy songs people will grow worse. However, sexually explicit, lewd, and uninhibited or raunchy songs has now undeniably penetrated every society. One of the most significant characteristics of the emerging popular music industry in this day and age is focus on commodity appeal.

Sexually explicit and energetically earthy songs with its innate ability for scandal, and ability for strong song recall is becoming popular most especially to the young ones. Regardless of which country or city a song has been produced, raunchy songs can easily be shared through increase of its availability due to the emergence of information technology. In a click, videos can be shared and music can be downloaded, as all the other information.

While others contend that lewd songs do nothing but destroy the lives of people through encouraging immoral, disrespecting women, and disrupting psychological and spiritual development, some justify that this type of song is one product of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights "Freedom of Expression". For some, sexually explicit songs are healthy ways of expressing the human sexuality.

Whatever side is more right, nothing will change the fact that songs that are sexually explicit and energetically earthy, as all the other types all throughout the history, is a reflection of the culture of its time. All societies today already have complex realities and varied beliefs. Raunchy songs can not be realistically censored.

The world has revolved through time into many subcultures with different realities. What remains to be done is for the people to develop critical mindedness on choosing the type of music they choose to listen to and to be influenced with. Parents, educators, and other persons of authority can teach this to protect those who needs protecting.

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