Friday, April 29, 2016

Guess These Top Scandinavian Prog Rock Which Are The Best To Say The Least

By Mary Morris

Music is a better part in anyones life especially that it makes an individual feel relax from a tiring day. There are a lot of bands that goes eons before but it still playing nowadays, reliving each memory from before. Many music admirers are still up into listening this type of genre as of today.

Since music has rolled into the lives of people, its been the source of motivation it has gave color to everyone life. Most especially the very well known Scandinavian prog rock or better known as progressive music in the 60s. To anyone who wants to play a guessing game, try facts stated below.

Theres one Swedish known back who tops the first in this list as their songs are still played until today, just visit online sites. They are even compared to modern bands as well as their team players at present. Their name is in Swedish that ends with Se as created around the year of 2003 but still can be heard.

Forming in the 90s, they have twisted their own magic with the help of their glorious guitarist named, Roine Stolt. With him, the group started and has been rocking anyone who is willing to listen to them around the clock. They do jazz and blues which they work around other genre as well, making them greater.

They blend in being rockers and modern over the years when they got together and made a band from Norway. They started around the 70s with their guitars and pianos led by powerful vocal symphony. With their song product, they became popular since those years and until now, people are still listening to their songs.

Helsinki around 1993 introduced a group which is known for their uniqueness in mixing their songs with cellos, their name basically rhymed with apocalypse. Their songs are practically played by classic cellist and altogether formed heavy metal songs through it. They covered albums up to albums until they decided to make their own sway of music.

A blend of metal and folk can never go wrong especially with a Finnish band and they've broken down barriers with what they have made. Their practically crazy using their instruments and mixing it with flute, marimba and everything in between. They are known to rhyme space who's albums were released under independent label.

Liking Kings is the best especially with this band who's name came from that and was influenced by none other than Fly and of course, Zeppelin. Their songs are mostly eastern with a hint of mystic and then form into metal music. This became loved by many fans especially with their compiled mix songs and DVD.

Lastly, you have heard them be called moon, once or twice or more than that and they have been suiting people with their music. They come with instruments yet they focus more in making acapella pieces. If you got that one right then you've already gotten an idea with the rest of the bands provided above.

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