Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Impact And How Photo Manipulation Started

By John Richardson

Pictures are altered manually and digitally to portray another image by use of different methods. This method of photo manipulation is used to achieve the expected outcome after resetting the picture. Some of these tasks require skills to perform while other are done without any knowledge depending on the purpose.

Most of them are used to deceive and convincing the viewer about something that did not actually happened especially when aired in TVs, Radio nor printed in newspapers and magazines. The other way to do this work is to improve the image of a person, place or anything about photograph. They can be made to look attractive and desired.

When this task has been tackled, the professional is able to rearrange everything on the snapshot to change the meaning it is called the art form. This is because they can change the appearance, dressing, facial expression and even the nature of the picture to something unique and personal. Changing the background picture requires the operator to add the light or lowers it to show the picture was taken during the day or during the night.

The process of adding or reducing light on a snap can be done manually by brushing ink on it in dark house. For a faster Manipulation of any picture, you need to use the computer since it is more perfect and quicker than manual. A professional can extract you from a group picture and edit it to the desire of the customer by manipulating it anyway possible to achieve the client wish.

The manipulation process started years ago in 19th Century when the snapshots were taken in glasses and tins. Joseph Nicephore Niepce discovered ways to do Manipulation any kind of picture after his first photograph 1825. The first picture was produce by the use of engraved plate after the introduction of Heliography.

The technology that helped people to take photographs and develop them was hard to understand in early 19th Century. This continued until late 20th Century when photography entered the new digital realm.

At first, people rejected the introduction of digital photography saying they were of worthless. Early 21st Century, things changed the introduction of digital cameras was introduced. Every photographer bought it and started producing high quality things than ever before. The size of the camera was also reduce making it possible to be curried everywhere inside the trouser or coat pocket. The camera was small hence gave them a chance to explore taking snaps they like.

The manipulation is largely used by politicians to destroy the rival image. Politicians use them to convince their supporters they are the best and not the person on the destructed snap. They are able to attain this because small changes made on the photo leaves it saying differently from the original picture. They can also be used to destroy a politician reputation.

In the media, journalists make use of portrait manipulation to fit a certain picture of place, item or person on the front page of a newspaper. They use this task to compare two things hence making them seem too distant from the other despite the fact the two are close.

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