Friday, May 20, 2016

Benefits Of Performing In Real Live Tri State Music Bands

By Laura Barnes

Every year at West Park, NY young folks spend countless days preparing for the yearly battle of bands. Every local and those arriving from far away regions often visit to perform and duke it out with other bands. However not every groups are able to perform and show their ability and skills to everyone because every band is eliminated before the finals.

Performance is everything for every dramatist and illusionists and music not exempted. Hence why many tri state music bands need to have the right members to work with. Because the audience sees the chemistry of each member but also the level of support each one have for the other.

Support is necessary if you want the rest of your team members to follow you. Because support is far different from obliging because when people are oblige to play for others based on their own rules. It seems to resonate a very controlling environment and that would not only pressure others to perform their best.

However a well manage group is a place where only professional individuals who have a common goal work together to achieve it without involving the differences of other people. But despite that idea not every member have the same level of maturity or sense of awareness of self and others. Sometimes it takes force to get these individuals to get things on their feet.

If a member fails to live up to the expectation of the leader or to the group. And often a bad sign however one that promotes changes because it allows people to grow and show them what their true nature are. And how well their opposing personalities will serve as a tool to help or hinder the group.

Winning is not the only reason that bands want to participate in such events. Sometimes for the exposure and a way to gauge how well they have performed in front of an audience. Audience impact is also part of the game because you need people to like your music and of course like you as well.

Popularity may not seem much to others but crucial to get everything in the right place. More over popularity is a good way to figure out what kind of people you attract. And the kinds of music they enjoy so that you can either focus on that genres while polishing on the skill.

Thinking about the upcoming elimination and finals most band members will be frightened at the thought of being eliminated. Sometimes they also get stage fright because they believe of messing up during the performance. However these things should not dwell on the mind of the performer because usually these are all in the head.

Then make a conscious effort not to get distracted by the petty annoyances around you. Sometimes much of mental effort is needed in practicing what you preach however if you are still distracted from the nuances you have to reconsider your path now. Reconsidering your path after countless hours of practice is a huge waste of time.

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