Monday, May 16, 2016

How To Choose Professional Hotel Photographers

By Patricia Cooper

Consumers book their hotel rooms nowadays has changed incredibly over the last few years. Of course, this is all thanks to the Internet. Today, people look online before booking a room, to ensure that this is the space they want to spend their time away from home. So, the importance of professional hotel photographers is second to none as they are the ones that can capture the essence of the room and the entire hotel.

Every potential customer will use these photographs as their first impression. So, all areas and features should be photographed. There should be a marketing plan developed, so the photographer will have the opportunity to photograph accordingly for both the website and brochures, if necessary. Unfortunately, those who choose lesser qualified professionals may pay a high price, as it can turn guests away.

A top-notch photographer is a small price to pay in order to get the success desired. So, it will be up to the marketing manager to make these important decisions as to whom to choose. It is necessary to interview various potential candidates, carefully observing all her previous work that is sampled in their portfolios. Choose one who is qualified for the type of image that the business wants to sell. For instance, a wedding photographer may be fantastic in a resort that holds wedding ceremonies, but he should also be qualified with regards to photographing rooms and architecture.

It's also vital for the photographer to be able to stage a room vis-a-vis with the clientele being targeted. It could be as simple as the way the curtains are drawn or the bedspreads folded down, with a tray placed in a particular angle to provide warmth in the images. Alternatively, a hotel that aims toward businesses may use a laptop on a table that overlooks a beautiful view.

It all depends on the marketing strategy of the resort. A luxury spa resort would photograph the various rooms and their bathrooms in a way that is reminiscent of a spa, using folded crisp white towels and other elements found in these rejuvenating places. Additionally, the right lighting needs to be used in order to capture the right angles and the materials in their best light.

Failure to use the proper lighting may cause the outside light to have adverse effects both indoors and out. Beyond that, there is other important photographic equipment involved, such as wide angle lenses. Such lenses are capable of making a room appear larger and even more comfortable, regardless of its size.

Plus, through the help of a creative photographer the hotel can generate more income in a he is knowledgeable in advertising and marketing. That's because he should be able to understand the average age of the guests and target that age group. Moreover, you'll have to choose a model, either male or female, or both, that would speak to this age group.

A qualified professional in this field is an artist. He or she must be able to seek out the resort's best views and settings to continue to sell the image in the marketing plan. The way photographs are purchased plays a huge role in the overall cost to the client. In most cases, it's much wiser to opt for photographers that provide every type of digital file available so that the images may be used in the format of their choice.

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