Monday, April 3, 2017

Sight Reading Music For Singers

By Jose Ward

A musician who can sight read is at a better position than one who relies on being taught. There will be no need for instruments to assist in interpreting the scores. By using sight reading music for singers, your reflexes and skills will be sharpened making it easier to sing diverse melodies. This is a skill that will require practice and discipline to master. You can use the tricks shared below.

The first step is to learn the basics of music. Everything else becomes an added advantage. The basics mean knowledge of clefs, key signatures, identifying notes and rhythms, among other elements. Learning through a teacher is easier because the concepts are thoroughly explained. However, you can download sight reading tutorials to use from anywhere. You will gradually take on more complex exercises and elements after understanding the basics.

Know how to sing the other voices instead of concentrating on your own. Learn to sing in tenor, bass, alto and treble clefs. This all rounded understanding gives you the knowledge you require to handle any piece and know how to interact with other voices as you sing together. You also must learn how to handle different rhythms. This is a challenging element but it will define your ability to tackle different scores.

The quality of materials you use when learning is important and will determine the kind of results you obtain. Find a book with high quality and progressive layout. The layout should also be easy to read considering that you are beginning in your sight reading journey. Quality materials will motivate you to learn since you do not strain or get confused. The layout should be large enough that you can read from a comfortable distance.

Plan your sessions and make them short. Fifteen minutes every day are enough. When you practice consistently, you will have dramatic improvements in your delivery. Keep a journal to track your progress. With a journal, you can account for your time and track progress. From the progress report, you can make adjustments to your plans.

Gather the materials you need for your practice sessions. Your teacher will give you some of these materials. However, do not rely on what the teacher provides since it will always be limited. There sites that provide high quality sight reading materials. Download the scores and get the most variety possible. Practicing with high quality scores is very important because it will be reflected in your skills.

Do not be in a hurry to learn all elements at a go. Learn one aspect before moving to the next. This means completing sofa notation before progressing to note values. You will later combine these elements. Shortcuts will affect your mastery. For instance if you write note pitches on the sheet, you will become a slave and thus unable to sing unless it is written. This weakens your musical potential.

A timer helps you to track progress and ensure that you complete stipulated hours. Endeavor to improve your performance after every practice session. There are other tricks to sharpen your sight reading skills available online. Tackle more complex pieces as you learn. Never rush to learn a skill because it will affect your depth of understanding.

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