Tuesday, October 17, 2017

The Iron Maidens And How They Have Changed The View Of Tribute Bands

By Joshua Hall

If you love music forming or joining a tribute band would be a perfect way to start your career. Tribute bands refer to a group of people singing songs from one artist unlike cover bands that sing songs by anyone. For instance The Iron Maidens are the best example of a tribute band who have set record in heavy metal industry over the years.

There are people who quit their day jobs and make a successful career but others never get to that level. It is essential to know the good and bad side of forming or joining a tribute band. Some have stated that it took them like five years of touring and singing before quitting. That means one must be patient and persistent if music is your passion.

Again to fit into the characters of the people the group is copying needs time. Each part in the band must learn not only to be that person. With consistency and passion it will not be a hassle. If a tribute band can organize their schedules it is possible to make a decent salary from the career. It takes time but pays eventually.

Learn to read the body language from the fans to know how to tune them to the songs. That is crowd that will make your show massive or the worst if one is unable to keep up with them. It can be tiring playing and the fans are just standing with their hands in the pocket swinging their heads. However an energized crowd pushes one to keep playing.

When your group starts becoming popular there will be fans from various places coming to see you play. That means things must be different each time. Fans are keen and if you keep playing same songs in the same order people will stop coming to your shows. These individuals will tell their friends who will start seeing like there is nothing new your tribute band can offer.

Tools needed to play are expensive since one needs the best equipment to produce good quality sounds. Guitars and drums are needed not forgetting the cabinets for putting their items as they travel around the world. Be ready to incur the cost fast before any companies agree to sponsor your group which takes some time.

In the beginning the invites to play will be from different places and some are going to be scary. With time people get used to the idea and it will be interesting. It will also be a learning process that it is not only about playing and entertaining people but it will also make you famous. Learn ways of dealing with criticism and the fans too on social media.

A tribute band can be as good as the original. Have a website and keep it active and so should your social media pages be. Online representation is what saves most band since people should know about your gigs and how to book the group for an event. Interact with your fans online by going live and answering their questions.

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