Sunday, April 22, 2018

Songs Of Deliverance For Those People Who Are Lost

By Rebecca Kennedy

Living in this world is not absolutely simple. Unlike the movies, you would never know if you will have a happy ending here on Earth or not. Your life, regardless how strong or healthy you could be right now, you might lose them in the future. They could be next week, next day, and even later. You are just a small dot of sand that exist in this world.

Once you are infected with it, there is a great chance that it would affect your family too. Fortunately for you, Jesus came here on Earth to cure that illness. He already saved you. Hence, start calling His name. Truly, in this world, believing in the Almighty will never be easy. If He does exist, there are no children who would die of hunger. Evil will stop growing. Bad people will be punished. If He would govern the world like this, surely, the planet would no longer suffer. However, God is not as selfish as that. He loves everyone who has committed sin. As what you have known about Him, He is willing enough to leave a group of sheep just to find and save the lost one. Due to that kindness, He is able to forgive you. Thanks to it, you can change your past life and embrace a good future. There might be times when you are lonely or scared. However, every time you do, just remember to sing the songs of deliverance.

Have some faith in God. Regardless how great a certain theologian can be, he is still too incompetent, particularly, in knowing the real intention of God. God speaks in a literal language. However, if you really like to comprehend His thoughts and reasons, assure that no human being in this world can fathom it.

Unless He returns or unless He has some plans for you, you need to endure. He already saves you. That is why save yourself from sin. To get out from that hell, you better rely on Him. Jesus is not a liar. Surely, as someone who easily breaks and cries, believing might not be an easy thing to do. However, just try it.

Therefore, stop crying. You have a remarkable best friend on your back. Assure that He would support you. He is kind. The Lord is very merciful. Learn to become His disciple. Even if the entire world gives up, never ever give Him up. The Lord stays on you twenty four hours.

He never even tried to abandon you. Even before you were born, He already saves your sins. He does not need anything from you. From what He is right now, you could say that He is already complete. Even so, even with all of these, He decided to attend to your needs and watch over you. Even if it is death, try not to fear.

If the Lord managed to abandon His wealth in heaven just to help and save the less fortunate, you have no right to keep your wealth all by yourself. Be kind. Live just like the Lord teaches you. Read the Bibles. Always choose a decision that would please Him.

Ask yourself why you are hiding from that terrible world. The more you hide there, the more you would feel sad and lonely. Surely, living a good life might be quite difficult. However, at least, staying true to what you believe while following the command of the Lord gives you life.

That is your challenge, though. Do not worry. Every time that you are lost or unable to produce any answers, go back to the Lord. He would give you solutions. He is the best teacher. Jesus is alive. Remember that.

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