Monday, June 18, 2018

How To Submit Videos To MTV To Promote A New Music Artist

By Amy Stewart

Everybody who can hold a tune dreams of being a superstar, world tours and living out their childhood dream. But in order to do that one needs a specific set of skills. Consider the music publisher, an individual who is to music and artists what a publisher is to an author. The country music needs new artists and a publisher should know How To Submit Videos To MTV and make it rocks.

Due to a lack of understanding, many facts are misconstrued when it comes to the role of who does what in this industry. Ignorance is partly to blame and so is the media for showing a slanted view of what the music industry is. But then again, they only show what is deemed to sell. For the average country musician who wants to break into the industry, it means a distinctive look that will set you apart such as distinct hat but not something that will render one out of touch with their fanbase.

For up and coming country singers, or any singer/songwriters for that matter, having a publisher means that there is someone who is willing to go above and beyond to ensure that you receive royalties from any work that has been used by third parties. This is not only because they know how to work a room but because that is one of the fundamental skills required in order to do the job, negotiation.

What musicians sing in the country genre can and can t sing about often passes through a publisher to dodge any legal bullets the artist might put themselves and their team, working hard to make them a success.

A little-known fact is that most artists aren t paid by the label they happened to be signed to directly but that money goes from label to publisher and only after it has passed through the publisher, does the artist obtain some form of income, regardless of whether that artist does hip-hop, jazz or country music. One of the reasons this may be is because a music publisher is responsible for the royalties an artist receives as well as the registration of the artists work.

Taking the following job as a career path isn t easy. As it requires a love and dedication to music, firstly before any progress can be made. It also needs certain personality traits in order to make themselves stand out. Someone who is outgoing with strong people skills as the job requires a lot of negotiating on behalf of artists like signed country musicians for example.

A smart country musician will realize that this industry is a business and not a talent show. And therefore, use the opportunity provided by a music publisher to meet influential and important people beyond his or her social circle.

As enticing as the paycheck may look, it comes with a large number of responsibilities in order to make it so. From ensuring that artists are looked after financially to ensuring they produce quality work. Becoming a country music publisher often means bridging the gap between bureaucracy and creativity in order for artists under your name to make a living.

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