Friday, May 6, 2011

Getting The Best From Your Wedding Photographer

By Adriana Noton

The pictures your wedding photographer takes on your big day will be with you for life. Therefore it is important that you get the pictures you want, and to do this you need to know how to get the best from your photographer. Remember, they are an important part of your wedding day.

The first thing to do is choose your photographer from the many available. There are several way you can go about your search but a good starting point is recommendations. Ask friends, family or work colleagues who they used and what sort of experience they had.

Many photographers will advertise at wedding fairs so you should make sure you visit a few of these. Normally exhibitors will have examples of their work available for you to look at. There should also be information you can take away which covers areas such as what packages are available.

Another good place to search is the internet or local directories. People who advertise online are likely to have a website you can view so you can see if you like their work before committing to an appointment to go and see them. If having looked at the website you do not like their style of photos you do not need to take it any further.

Before you to meet prospective photographers it is a good idea to write down any questions you may have for them. This could include what sorts of packages are offered, whether you can request any particular shots, or whether the photographer will be alone or have an assistant. An assistant can often take candid shots of guests while the main photographer is taking the official pictures.

As well as traditional photos, many photographic artists also provide pictures in other mediums, such as DVDs or on canvas. Ask if they have any examples of these you can look at so you can get an idea of all the options available to you. Also remember that your photographer cannot see into your mind, so they will only know that you want a particular picture taken, such as of the car, if you let them know.

Make sure you keep them up to date with any changes that occur to your plans. It may be that you are having to leave for the venue slightly earlier than first planned, and if you had arranged for them to come to your house first you may need to rearrange their arrival time. The more notice you can give of changes the happier your photographer will be.

On the day itself you do not want to miss out of shots because people are not where they are supposed to be. You should consider making someone responsible for being the wedding photographer Oakville go to person so that if there are any questions they do not have to be directed to you. This is a way of taking some stress out of the situation and allowing you to focus on enjoying your day.

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