Friday, May 6, 2011

Tips On Finding The Right Wedding Photographer

By Adriana Noton

Your wedding photographer will play a big part in your wedding and in making the day run smoothly. You want the pictures they take to give you pleasure for years to come. Which means that you need to know how to make sure you get the best results from them.

The first thing to do is choose your photographer from the many available. There are several way you can go about your search but a good starting point is recommendations. Ask friends, family or work colleagues who they used and what sort of experience they had.

Wedding fairs are a great way to find photographers as they regularly exhibit as this type of event. There should be plenty of information for you to refer to and take away to look at in your own time. You should also be able to view examples of their work in form of sample albums or pictures of previous weddings.

Another good place to search is the internet or local directories. People who advertise online are likely to have a website you can view so you can see if you like their work before committing to an appointment to go and see them. If having looked at the website you do not like their style of photos you do not need to take it any further.

Before your first meeting with a photographer is it wise to list any questions you think you may want to ask them. Questions could be about anything from whether you can ask for particular shots to be taken to if the photographer will have an assistant on the day. Having an assistant often means that you can have candid shots of your guests taken while the main photographer concentrates on the set shots.

Do not be scared of asking for exactly what you want. Your photographer cannot read your mind, so if you do not ask them for something, for example a particular shot of the wedding cake, they will not know you want it. Ask to see examples of previous events they have taken pictures at, and also whether they provide pictures in different media types such as DVDs, or possibly on canvas.

Keep in touch with them in the run up to the wedding and make sure they are aware of any changes in your plans. For example if you need to leave the house earlier to go to the wedding venue, and you have arranged for the photographer to come to house to take pictures, you may need them to arrive earlier. The more notice you are able to give of changes to your plans, the more it will be appreciated.

Finally you do not want to have your day spoil it by not being able to have all your chosen pictures taken because your guests were in the wrong place at the wrong time. To avoid running around after everyone yourself it can be a good idea to appoint someone to liaise with the wedding photographer Oakville to ensure everyone is where they need to be. By doing this you can have a stress free day knowing that everything is being taken care off and just have the pleasure of reviewing all the pictures once they are ready.

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