Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Top Gadgets for every technology geek

By Marie Anderson

You do not have to be a geek to love gadget accessories, but it definitely helps. Of course with gadgets permeating society beyond the stereotypical geek crowd there are plenty of people looking to buy accessories who might previously have been out of the loop. Some of the most basic but nonetheless essential accessories include battery chargers, camera cables and laptop batteries. So here is a look at why they are important and what they can help you achieve.

These days you cannot go without an HDMI cable as they can be used for everything from a games console to a camcorder. If you try and buy HDMI camera cables in the shops then you might spend upwards of 20 because of inflated prices. However, shop online and you will find camera cables for under half that price from big name brands such as Canon; so you can be sure of value and quality.

With HDMI camera cables you can connect devices like camcorders, smartphones and many more gadgets to your television, enjoying support for full HD content and crystal clear audio. There are a few variations of the HDMI standard out there, so be sure to find out what type your gadget requires before you commit to purchasing camera cables.

Batteries have been powering gadgets for decades and rechargeable cells are becoming more common. However, without battery chargers you may find it difficult to pump power back into more than one battery at a time. Battery chargers can be bought cheaply and to avoid any compatibility issues it is sensible to snap up a charger which has been built by the company that made your gadget or gizmo. If you own an Olympus digital camera then always look first and foremost at Olympus-brand battery chargers so that you know there will be no annoying conflicts or hiccups.

Battery chargers which work with common types such as AA or D can be found with relative ease and by purchasing rechargeable batteries rather than always buying single use cells will not only save you cash and prevent you having to run to the shops each time they run out, but is also better for the environment.

The most specialised batteries out there are available for laptops, which is why replacement laptop batteries need to be selected with just as much care. Laptop batteries can degrade relatively quickly, leaving you with a gadget that cannot be used as flexibly as when it was first pulled out of its box, so getting a replacement or a spare will keep you out and about for longer.

You can find laptop batteries to match with everything from an Apple MacBook Pro to a more basic Acer device and even if you have a high end laptop you will find that the batteries are comparatively cheap. There is no point waiting for your laptop's battery to fail when you can buy a great supplementary cell today.

Anyone who has spent time with a handful of modern gadgets will know that one essential accessory is a memory card. With SD memory cards being common and the microSD variant cropping up in contemporary smartphones you can easily share files between gadgets and add extra storage space on the fly with a memory card. There are other formats out there, so if you want to buy a memory card for your gadget make sure you check carefully to see which type is compatible.

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