Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Photography Tips & Tricks

By Ben Smith

Do you think you need a fancy camera or years of experience to be able to take breath taking images with trick photography? Well think again with Trick Photography and Photo Techniques even a complete novice can be creating cool and amazing Trick Pictures in no time.

Our Trick Photography Book Teaches the amazing photograph techniques the professionals do not want you to know. To look beyond a picture and take in depth Trick Pictures with your camera following our simple methods of Photo Techniques.

Module 1 - The basic universal settings of every camera: Aperture, Shutter Speed, ISO and white-balance and how to master them for both day and night photography. These are essential settings that every photographer must know how to use before starting. After reading this section, you should have a clear understanding on how a camera works with brightness and darkness, and how to take a picture that comes out looking absolutely great.

Module 2 - Learn how to use professional optical illusions in our ebook will teach you 10 simple but effective optical illusion tricks that will set your photos from the rest. Not only that but we will teach you how to use HDR photography to bring your images literally from dull to full vibrant effects that will have people envious of your work.

Module 3 - Learn photo techniques that the professionals use learn how to set your images from the rest with trick and tips like levitation, invisible flesh, invisible man, making objects float and cloning people in a single photograph. You do not need expensive image editing programme we can tell you where to get the best free editing software to complete your images.

FREE BONUS of mini ebooks is yours when you buy Trick Photography and special Effects and can I say once more 100% Free! So buy now a learn extra Trick Pictures, Photo effects & Trick Photography.

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