Sunday, November 20, 2011

What Makes A Web Design Favorable To Search Engines?

By Darwin Bell

A great web site design is very important to companies conducting business online, for it serves as the company's face to the world. Aside from being packed with useful information, a good design is easy to navigate for consumers who are less techie. The secret to making an effective design for a web site is to stay true to its purpose.

Domain registration is also an important factor to consider in building and designing a web site. Domain registration is one of the factors that determines the credibility of a website. This is especially true for search engines. Domain names that are ten-year-old and more would certainly initially gain the confidence of search engines compared to newly registered ones.

Make sure also that the web page loads fast. A web site with fast loading speed directs online users to the web page they intend to visit, thus making the entire Internet experience fulfilling. Online users keep visiting web pages with fast loading speed. Indeed, it takes only a couple of seconds to impress a prospective customer and so fast downloading of a web page is necessary.

Of course, there are things to not do when designing a web site so that the search engines will not bring the site down. Blacklisted web sites contain spams and other information meant to mislead online users. Posting videos and loads of images also causes the loading speed to slow down. So keep the web pag (particularly the home page) simple. Simplicity is everything, it directs your customer to find the information he or she needs right away. It also helps search engine spiders crawl a web page fast.

And ultimately, the website administrator needs to post relevant, informative and keyword-rich content on a regular basis. Twice to thrice a week is ideal. This is how blogs come into play: blogs offer a better flexibility in writing updates about the company and its products. The blog will then make search engine ranking for the website possible. But it's important to include or share links only with credible domain names to avoid being blacklisted in search engines, such as Google.

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