Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Quick Guide To Taking That Excellent Photo Today

By Jimmy Cox

Do you ever wonder how an excellent photo is done? You might think that it is all about what technology has to offer. But the truth is you can create one even with the oldest camera in your hand. If you have the right skills and the determination, you can definitely create masterpieces from the photos you take. Do not forget though that you must also have knowledge of the important components that an award-winning photograph contains.

There are many components which create a remarkable photograph when combined. Often times, they come neglected and as a result a big number of photos produced today do not even meet the purpose for which they were taken. Before we look into the photography elements, it is important to understand that the photographer himself must be geared in making prize-winning masterpieces through his camera lens. He must be fuelled by passion and persistence when dealing with his subjects. Inspiration, perception and timing must not leave his side as well. As for the images, you can use the following insights as your guide in creating or interpreting them.

Composition. A picture is said to have proper composition if it has depth, lines, perspective and shapes. These details affect the way viewers perceive photos. Let us take the lines and perspective as examples. Pillars, trees or walkways found in the background are examples of lines. You may be unaware of it but these lines guide the eyes of the viewers towards the subject of any picture. And so, you must be careful in making the whole elements available in the background to fit in one shot. Perhaps, you want an excellent photo from Lucky Birdy Productions that looks interestingly different. Play with varied perspectives when taking your pictures. You can shoot from the top, from behind or below depending on the impression you want to create.

Lighting. Lighting can change the way a typical subject is seen. In fact, lighting can draw emotions from the viewers just like how grey scale and sepia can bring history back for some people. Instead of direct and straight lighting, try other techniques which can highlight your subject in a better or dramatic way. To achieve silhouettes, you can do some backlighting. When making the most out of natural light, you can simply open your window and let your subject sit where the light shines through for side lighting.

Emotions And Surprises. Emotions captured in images are priceless and timeless. While there is nothing wrong about capturing smiles, choose to catch sentimental emotions of bliss, fear and love for better image impact. Without a question, these elements make an excellent photo. Moving forward, anticipate surprises especially when you are shooting people. Great images are often products of random shots. Do you want to capture the tenderness of your subject's laughter? Or the agony in your subject's grief? Be ready for some candid moments that will unfold right before your eyes. Be quick to press the shutter anytime too.

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