Friday, January 11, 2013

Understanding the Importance of Lighting in Photography

By Lina Esways

The golden mean (or golden ratio) has been a principle of artistic design for centuries. Simply put, designs are split into two segments. The first segment takes up two-thirds of the design, and then the second segment takes up the remaining third. Take a look at a picture of the Roman Coliseum for a good example.

One of the most important factors of all for people who are taking pictures is the lighting which is present. Lighting defines the subject matter of pictures, and it can either help or hurt the efforts being made by someone with a camera.

This means that at its most basic level, photography is not seeing what is in front of the camera and snapping a shutter but rather capturing the light emitted from an object, light reflecting off that object or the lack of light either emitted or reflected. Understanding this simple principle is the basic and most fundamental beginning to a new photographer's exploration into the world of photography.

Photographers have created a rule that follows the principles of the golden mean to create great photography. That rule is called the rule of thirds, and it uses the principle of cutting images into thirds to best position the focus in your picture. First, you need to be aware of what you are trying to photograph.

When this is the main goal of a photographer, all other technical aspects of photography will slide easily into place and learning new techniques of art in photography will come without complication or severe trial. With the primary goal of letting a desired amount of light into the camera lens, artistic beauty will flow naturally to the object of the photographers picture, whatever that object may be.

Photographers can also use various methods when they are indoors in order to get better results. To give yet another example, someone who is photographing others indoors may want to use an umbrella to diffuse a light source while also making use of a natural backdrop.

Do not get overwhelmed by the amount of information that you do not understand when first opening a camera's manual. Take it slowly and try to learn the lingo in pieces by having the camera in hand while going through the manual.

When taking a picture of the colors in the sky during a sunset, align the horizon to the line marking the bottom third of the picture and let the sky consume the top two thirds. This will place a greater emphasis on the colors in the sky while placing the photo in an appealing manner.

IT is very important for people to practice and experiment with lighting conditions, until they find the best set of circumstances which are going to work for them the way that they want and need. It is essential for people who are engaged in this activity to be flexible and adaptable with their efforts and future endeavors.

Photographers in Las Vegas sponsored this short beginner's introduction and wish to welcome all new comers to the art of photography with the best of luck and success in pursuing this exciting and rewarding hobby.

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