Friday, February 8, 2013

Trick Photography And Special Effects To Enhance Your Photographic Endeavors

By Adam Roell

The majority of people are quite familiar with taking photographs using a camera. However, thanks to new computer programs and technologies, it is possible to make your photographs even more amazing. Trick photography and special effects will help you to bring your pictures to life in ways you never dreamed of. There are many different tricks that you can use. As with most things, practice makes perfect. This long exposure photography tutorial is intended to help you see that it is possible to create memorable photographs without too much difficulty.

Take a look at this educational Long Exposure Photography Tutorial Review

To achieve many of the different kinds of trick photography you do not necessarily require a very advanced camera. Of course, those that do will find it helps to make it that much easier and quicker. Computer software programs will help you achieve the best effects. They are great for opening up the realm of possibilities that make your photographs really pop! As you gain experience through practicing you will likely find that you do not need the programs quite as much to achieve some of the effects that you desire.

Taking overhead shots is always fun and this technique is no less so. If you have ever wondered how the pros manage to make their pictures look like small figurines then you need to know about this technique. Quite simply it is achieved through very shallow depth. All that is required is for you to shift and tilt the lens. To really get the best effect you will need to concentrate more on the tilting than the shifting. If you have the finances you might want to purchase a camera that has this feature built in. Alternatively, make use of the computer software programs that are available these days.

No long exposure photography tutorial would be complete with this kind of shot. For best results you should take these photos at night using freeze action and fast shutter speeds. The more expensive cameras available on the market today have these functions. When you take tips on long exposure shots your pictures will look like there is a touch of fantasy in them. A tripod is essential to taking the perfect shot that boasts maximum effect. By adjusting the camera controls you can set the length of the exposure, followed by the shutter speed, and so capture the ideal shot. Try not to have to resort to manually pressing the capture button. A remote control is the better option.

This kind of photography ideally needs the computer software we've mentioned already, and furthermore, lots of practice. The reason that HDR photography is so popular is because it is a very effective effect. To obtain the best effect you will need to take more than one shot of the image you are capturing. As with the long exposure shots you should use a tripod.

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