Thursday, April 24, 2014

Tips To Help You Learn How To Play The Piano

By Essie Osborn

Learning musical instruments can take time. Thos is not something people can do instantly and it does involve patience. While some people can learn music more naturally than others it is still important for people to work at it. This is why learning how to play the piano is as much about your attitude to learning as it is the act of learning how to perform on a musical instrument.

With children focus is often the issue. There is often the issue of how much pressure to put on children. On the one hand you do not want to force them to do something they do not enjoy and can make them feel miserable. There are a wide array of hobbies and interests and it is better to find something they are passionate about.

You should also look beyond the more mechanical side of playing a piece. One thing that often puts people off learning an instrument is that it becomes a chore. If you perform the same piece over and over again it can lose the meaning behind the song and it can mean the musician forgets the emotion of the music.

As well as learning the instrument itself you should also consider the tone of what you are playing. It is easy to forget this as you learn the mechanics of what you are playing. Often this is the thing that can put people off playing. Sometimes you need to put down the instrument and listen to what is being played in order to get an idea of the emotion of what you are playing.

When learning to read music you should think about it in the same way as reading a book. You look at how the notes are spaced out. This should then make it easier to pick up on any mistakes and learn from them.

There is also the issue of time signatures. Some people can struggle with this, especially when first learning. A good way is to count the number of notes. Over time as you get more confident you will be able to stop counting out loud and find it easier to do this in your own head.

Another way to gain confidence is to play in front of friends or family. While a lot of people may find this difficult it is a good way to develop self confidence and to get feedback. Over time you will then find it easier to play in front of more people. This is especially important if you need to perform in front of a lot of people as it will make it easier to get used to this.

When learning how to play an instrument it is best to get the right tutor. You can find a number of tutors online. Remember to meet them in person to discuss how quickly you want to learn and find out more about their background. It is also worth looking online for video tutorials as this will help you between lessons to develop your skills. With the right approach and resources you will be able to get the most from your instrument.

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