Thursday, April 24, 2014

Tips To Help You Learn How To Play The Piano

By Essie Osborn

Learning musical instruments can take time. Some people are lucky and can pick up how to play an instrument reasonably quickly. This is similar to some people who are good at writing or sports. However even the most naturally gifted person needs to practise. This is why it helps to learn the different methods to develop your skills when learning how to play the piano.

The first crucial bit of advice is that you need to practise between lessons. While lessons are very important when it comes to developing techniques and becoming more confident you also need to practise. Experts often recommend that you practise for at least an hour a day as this will give you the best chance of developing confidence.

You should also look beyond the more mechanical side of playing a piece. One thing that often puts people off learning an instrument is that it becomes a chore. If you perform the same piece over and over again it can lose the meaning behind the song and it can mean the musician forgets the emotion of the music.

With adults the issues are slightly different. People often want to take time to learn how to play a musical instrument. The problem is finding time in the day in order to do it. However it is possible to find an hour per day between classes so that you can become more proficient.

When you are learning to perform there is often an element of mental fatigue. People can get bored while playing, especially if the song they are learning is not something they would normally listen to. If you find yourself bored with learning a particular piece then you should look online to find tracks that you enjoy playing. If you enjoy the track then you are more likely to put the extra effort into learning it.

Admittedly even with tracks you love it can be difficult over time. One of the best ways is to stop playing for a while and listen to a track. While the mechanics of learning a tune is important you should also be able to listen to the emotion behind a song in order to be able to capture that while you play.

Over time you should then be willing to play in front of friends and family. This is especially important because it will help you develop your self confidence in the long term. When performing a recital you have to get used to an audience once you have got used to people watching you it can often become a lot easier to perform in public.

It is best to look online for experienced tutors in your local area. You can also find tutorials and videos to help you develop your skills online. There are also numerous books and guides to help you learn how to play your favourite songs on the piano. With the right resources and approach you can get the most from your instrument.

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