Saturday, July 26, 2014

The Benefits Of A Proper Violin Wrist Position

By Sharron Cantu

Perhaps, you have experienced watching a performance of a single performer or a group of fiddlers in a show. It tends to be an easy task to play a violin wit all the moves and gracefulness while performing. But the truth is, it is hard to start from the basics. You need a great patience and hard work, before you can perfect your music and moves. The secret also lies in the proper violin wrist position as a start. If you want to become a certified fiddler, you have to remember, that proper posture will make you progress.

Learning the proper positioning of your hand is sometimes tricky for a beginner. This kind of position is sometimes awkward, since all of us are not familiar with it. Once you are a beginner, you seem to clench the neck of the violin. This way, it can create a great tension to your hand. However, this is also the start to learn some of your skills in playing music. You only have to be patient in all throughout your learning process.

Every fiddler retains their proper hand positioning that may result in a fantastic sound, intonation and agility. It also provides a great performance to you. Thus, if you are aiming for this, you have to position your instrument in your wrist properly. This way, you will be producing a smooth a continuous curved line.

To have an understanding why it is necessary to obtain a great posture, especially your wrist and bending position, you should also learn the biology of the hands and each need of the art music player. Basically, there are no muscles in the fingers. They consist tendons that are connected to a muscle in your upper arm. Their main task is to provide an impulsion of movement. Most of the tendons are strings pulled by muscles.

Usually, people have their respective joints that are most flexible to their movements. In order to make them stronger, joints must transfer a strength all throughout the muscles. To achieve this, each joint must have a primary role to obtain a level of flexibility.

Once you have done improper positioning, it could lead to a painful and swelling in the limb area and develop to tendonitis. If you continue to push this condition, the pain will continue to the fingers and to the arms. This reason, you will get a condition called Carpal tunnel syndrome and you will live a sensible life.

If a certain art music needs you to make shifting and vibrato, you have to be cautious in bending movements. There are violinists who tend to move their wrist slowly away from the neck when playing. If they need to move faster, for a fast note, then they also need to move according the tone. To achieve a certain goal, you also have to discover something about you when it comes to performing.

To prevent all the instances of getting a painful condition, you have to learn several ways in holding your string instrument properly. Once you are not careful with your moves, you can also develop syndromes that will occur in the future. You have to remember that the faster you play, the greater the risks you will have.

Once you already know all the awareness and possibilities that may happen to you, you will also obtain a perfect performance. This will be able to enhance more your skills learned and to develop more music without worrying that something might happen to you.

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