Saturday, November 15, 2014

A Brief History On Scandinavian Prog Rock

By Christa Jarvis

Progressive rock has been one of the most popular genres of rock over the years of music. This sub genre of music was known to have stemmed out from the United Kingdom and spread to countries near that area. Scandinavian prog rock is known to be one of the best in this sub genre and is also known to have a very interesting history.

Now for those who do not know, progressive music is the type of music that uses all kinds of beats and music sounds that are not in ordinary music. Now this type of music is usually known for its sudden shifts in tempo as well as sudden shifts in beat and rhythm. Songs in these genres are known to give listeners variety so that the listeners can enjoy different shifts in the rhythm and beats.

Of course this genre became a big hit in the region of Scandinavia which can be located somewhere in the European region. Now the main countries that would make up this region would be Norway, Denmark, and Sweden. Now some of the secondary countries in this region would also include Iceland, Holland, and of course Finland.

Now one of the first bands that came out for this music scene was a band known as Steppeulvene from Denmark. After the emergence of this band, many more other bands like Ache, Blue Sun, and of course the very famous Alrune Rod. What makes these bands really authentic is that they would make songs in their own native language and played songs inspired by their folk music.

Now one of the biggest names in this field would of course be Burnin Red Ivanhoe which was formed also in the very late sixties. Their unique sound fused so many genres together in order for them to produce something new. They also made use of a lot of different instruments like organs as well as violins, harmonicas, and trumpets.

Now the Swedish also entered this music scene with their own brand of Progressive rock which was similar to the music created by the Dutch. However, their bands only became really popular during the very early nineties. Now Sweden still did not reach the level of Denmark when it comes to this type of music but the Swedish bands have proven to be just as good as the Dutch bands in the field.

Now another country that had become popular in this line of music would of course be the country of Holland. Their innovative bands would often copy the tunes from old folk songs and tried to fuse the it with rock elements. It is for this reason that most of the bands would produce melodic songs that would still have fast changes in tempo and rhythm.

So as one can see, the progressive scene is actually quite a big thing in the region of Scandinavia. Now one should remember that even if this type of music did originate from the United Kingdom, its influence spread to the countries beside it. Of course it was because of this spread that the genre was able to gain a lot of popularity.

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