Wednesday, November 5, 2014

All About Left Hand Violin Hold

By Etta Bowen

If you are new to this position, then you will simply need to read the paragraphs that can be found below. If you will get on with that task in the soonest time possible, then you can be assured that you will be able to learn to play your instrument sooner than you can imagine. So, take your butt off from that couch.

First of all, you have to practice your hold one way or another. If the left hand violin hold is too much for you to handle right now, then you can always ask for the help of the person who is teaching you during your lessons. Be reminded that you have paid this individual which only means that it is his or her responsibility to make you a better musician.

Second, pay attention to where your left palm is. If none of your body parts is in contact with the violin neck, then you should realize that you have not mastered the correct position yet. So, try to take out some of the leniency that you are putting on your training. It is time for you to get serious and nothing should stand in your way.

Third, make sure that you are fully relaxed whenever you are in front of your notes. If you can put your mind in that kind of setting in just a few minutes, then you can no longer ask for anything more. It is clear to see that you are in the zone and that is something that you need to be proud of since you have managed to be in this level by yourself.

Move those fingers to the best of your abilities. If you commit a lot of mistakes along the way, then that is perfectly fine. This just shows that you are more than willing to improve your music skills as each day goes by. If you have that passion burning inside you, then everything will be fine. You can surely be in a better state in a few months.

You would need to be natural as much as possible. As you can see, you would really have to forget everything that is troubling you when you are training. Separate your life as a musician from reality because that is the only way that you would be able to survive in both worlds. That is a rule that you must follow.

Be your own mentor when no one else is around. You may only be a novice in the field but that does not mean that you cannot make use of all the sources that are available at your expense. If you will grab every opportunity that will come along your way, then nothing can go wrong.

Lean more to the music as much as possible. It may be difficult for you in the beginning but then, you have all the time in the world. Eventually get adjusted to the whole ensemble

Overall, do well in all of your lessons. Have more patience in yourself. The music will soon come to you in time. Never stress yourself too much.

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