Wednesday, April 1, 2015

What To Know About Top Quality MP3 WAV Beats

By Iva Cannon

Many artists ask about the best audio file format which they can use for their recording. Given the fact that music has to be heard in its most beautiful tone, there has to be the cooperation of the medium and the technology which need to be used. But then a quite a lot of people do not know the reason why there is a need to choose among the different file formats.

This time, there are actually a lot of new formats which you can find in the market. So to speak, you can find the WAV and the MP3 formats. These two are the commonly used formats. But in order for you to choose your preference, you should know top quality MP3 WAV beats. This way, you would know which is best to use in the situation that you are in.

So it is actually like this. The main difference between the two files is the kind of sound produced. You might not understand why there is a need to scrupulously differentiate the two. But this is actually very important because it results to the standard of music that will be produced. So take note of the details.

So take note of these comparisons. You will also learn in this discussion when it is best to use each of the formats. Very well, this is the very secret in discerning which of the two items to choose. It is that WAV is better when it comes to the offer of sound quality. It is also better when it regarding the process of picking tracks. Now here are some of the most helpful facts which you have to know.

So if you have a slower internet connection, this will be your ultimate choice format. This could also be your choice if you are not concerned about the initial sound quality such as the pre production purposes and if you have a limited budget to spend on production. This will also be the best item if you do not intend to rap over the beat and if you are recording a mix tape.

While in the choice of a WAV format, here are things which you can expect. This kind of file is the opposite of the other because first, it is big in size. So if you opt for this type of format, you should have a big space. This will allow you to have a better experience when it comes to fulfilling your endeavors like recording or working on a mix tape.

Now here are the major differences of the two. Let us begin with the WAV. This is actually popular because it is considered a first generation format. It is also generally kept as the first digital copy of a completely uncompressed file. This means that it is the best possible quality and had not gone through any kind of digital alterations except to be outputted.

So that only means that it is the best format you can have for your recording. And it does not go through alterations of any kind. But the bad side of this is its big size. But since it is flexible, copies of songs can be forged from them. However, with MP3, the output can be compressed, making the size smaller.

Well the reason for removing such data is to be able to save space and make the file smaller. With this, you can maximize your space by making the file smaller. So this would be the perfect choice for you if you have a limited hard drive space and a slower internet connection. But there will be a vivid drop in the sound quality of this format compared to WAV file.

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