Saturday, July 7, 2018

Music Video Submission Is Easy

By Timothy Davis

Watching a visual medium for presenting a certain idea can have a great affect on a viewer. The viewer will be vulnerable in the sense that will have a hard time not believing what is being presented. Music video submission can be simple in the sense that you can focus on the material you are showing and not the actual act of submitting. Try to focus on what you are showing and not how you are showing it.

You may want to put an email address under the contact us tab so they can email someone in your organization to ask questions if they are stuck. If you leave a phone number, you may have constant calls which may not be a bad thing, but make sure you have the staff to cover the calls. Do not just let them leave voicemail after voicemail.

Different formats such as jpeg or mov are options for how to submit their work. Still photos are usually in jpeg format where mov files are video files. The music will have to be in a different format. Each format has its particular design to help the work be the best it can be. Technology has come a long way. Try to stay on top of advances in technology so you are on top of what people are going to want to submit.

Asking a professional to help may be a good idea. You may get overwhelmed with people wanting to submit and if you are not a technology expert, some of their questions may not be something you will know the answer to. Hire someone if you can afford it to help out with this need.

Contact a person with whom you want to work. Tell them you want to help them get noticed in the industry of video production. Make a list of how you want to promote them such as showing their work at venues which are seen by the public. Other professionals already established may allow people trying to break in to show off their work.

You may need to reach out to other people who have more knowledge you about certain things that an applicant will need to get promoted. The whole industry is a big picture which has several puzzle pieces to it. You and other professionals are the puzzle pieces that others have faith in to help them get started in the industry.

Hire someone to man your front desk so if and when people call asking questions about how to submit work, someone is there for them. Inform people that they should have contact information listed somewhere on their materials for the receptionist to get a hold of. Notify the receptionist of your selections and he or she can contact the person.

You may really enjoy your work or find it to be very stressful. It can be rewarding to help someone get established who is just starting out. It may be a journey for you as well as for them. Hopefully, you see each submission as unique and find it to be a growing time for you as well as for them.

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