Monday, July 2, 2018

Violin Appraisal Makes A Lot Of Sense

By Kenneth Smith

You may have a dusty violin sitting in your attic. You have been thinking about getting it down and cleaning it up. You have been thinking about playing. You may know how to play or you may need to take lessons to learn. Getting a violin appraisal may be a good idea. You may want to trade yours in for another one of more value and quality.

Look for someone in your area who is qualified in your area to do this. They are trained to know what to look for and how to compare it with other similar instruments on the market. The market may not be certain. It may fluctuate. Consider going to more than one person to get a second opinion or a third if necessary.

Look for the fairest price you can find. After you have talked to a few people about it, you will then need to decide whether or not you want to keep it or sell it. You may have wanted to play for many years. You may already know how to play. If you do, pick it up and play it. See how it makes you feel. Perhaps you will want to continue.

Research its cost by looking at comparable violins online or asking people with expertise what they think. You could look at photos online or in books at your local library. People may be available online to give you an idea of its value, too. You could go on social media or messaging sites to see who you can connect with.

Trade shows may also be a good source for you to look into. Your local area may host one each year where people gather to show what they are selling or what they are looking to buy. You could bring your instrument with you. Reach out to the people there to see if you can find a mutual agreement or understanding. You never know what you will find out unless you try.

It can be hard to get out of your comfort zone, but when you see what is on the other side, you will be so glad that you did. You will get to know people that you never would have before. If they are a reliable, decent person and they do not know how to help you, you can rely on them to find you someone who can help you.

Tell them what value you want for it. They will most certainly ask you that. If you do not have a lot of experience in the field of appraisal, you will probably have no idea what is should be worth. Tell people how much money you want for it and see if they are willing to give you what you want for it.

They may not give you what you want. It is okay to be turned down. It is just important to remember not to get discouraged. You have to keep trying or you will never get the information that you are looking for. Be fair in your business dealings with others and beware of dishonest people.

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