Thursday, August 30, 2018

Listen To Relaxation Harp Music And Enjoy These Amazing Health Benefits

By Carl Morris

Medical professionals confirm that being stressed constantly can cause all kinds of health problems in the long run. This is the reason why you should always look for ways to fend off high levels of stress. Worry not because there's really no need for you to visit the local day spa continuously. Something as easy as playing relaxation harp music while you're doing yoga, reading a book or having a bath is oftentimes good enough. Read on to come across some really incredible health benefits that can be enjoyed from such.

It makes your heart rate slow down. Experts say that having a lower heart rate implies a cardiovascular system that's healthy. Your heart doesn't have to pump hard and run wildly just to ensure that your body is being supplied with blood. In fact, a trained athlete who is resting may have a heart rate of only 40 to 60 beats every minute.

It slows down the respiratory rate. Aside from the heart rate, it's also a good idea for you to keep your respiratory rate slow while you are at rest. Experts say that it should be 12 to 16 per minute only while you are not engaged in any physical activity. Such is very important for maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system.

It reduces the blood pressure. Keeping your blood pressure within the normal range, which is 90/60 mmHg to 120/80 mmHg is very important, doctors say. Such can keep the heart from being overworked, and also protect the blood vessels and various organs of your body from being damaged. A blood pressure that's always higher than 120/80 mmHg is not good for your health because so many complications can show up as a result of it.

It fends off anxiety. Thinking about anxious thoughts always can prevent you from enjoying a normal life. This can leave your body stressed, too, because it can raise vital signs such as the heart rate, respiratory rate and also blood pressure. Luckily, there are a lot of things that can be done to manage anxiety, and playing harp music is one of those.

It relaxes tight muscles. Being stressed most of the time can lead to muscle tension. As a result, certain parts of your body may ache constantly. It's not really recommended for you to always take painkillers just to attain relief. Doctors themselves admit that taking high doses of painkillers can come with various side effects and also health risks. Instead of taking painkillers, you may try relaxing those tight muscles by calming your mind and body.

It lowers your infection risk. Stress can wreak havoc on the immune system. Such can leave your body vulnerable to attacking bacteria and viruses. Keeping stress to a minimum, according to health authorities, can help in strengthening the immune system, thus fending off infections from striking.

Believe it or not, playing harp music allows you to obtain the above fantastic benefits. Once a very hectic day or workweek is over, listen to it. Feel free to play it, too, at any chosen time or day.

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