Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Basics On Travel Photography

By Andy Allen

You can be sure that travel photography is here to stay just as long as people want to travel. The proliferation of budget-friendly DSLR cameras also helps in encouraging people to be shutterbugs. Travel photos are very close to the heart of the owner since it brings back memories of bonding moments with their friends and family. When you travel to a foreign place even in your own country you only get one chance to take that photo so you better get your technique right on target. Here are some ways to improve your travel photography techniques.

Number one, familiarize yourself with the settings of your camera. A basic DSLR have so many buttons and switches that it is almost scary at first to touch anything. The fact is, you have to conquer your fear of the unfamiliar technology so that you do not wind up in a beautiful place and be unsure of what setting to use. Learn what the buttons and symbols stand for and what it does to your photo when you shoot. Avoid the frustrating situation of not being able to capture the beauty of a place just because you do not know how to use your camera well.

Number two, develop your travel photography style. Tourism schools teach that there are various types of tourist. Each one will have a different take of travelling and this will affect the type of photos that each one will produce. For example, if you are a tourist who is very interested in culture then most of your photos will center on the cultural edifices, traditions and even the day to day living of the people in the place that you are visiting.

Third, it is important that you bring all the necessary things associated with your camera. Bring an extra set of battery if you will be travelling rough and anticipating some challenge in finding a place to charge your camera battery. Most important thing to remember though is to bring your camera charger. You will have the most frustrating time of your life if you do not bring the camera charger with you. Therefore, make sure that you double check everything before you leave.

These are some basic tips to help you in making sure that you have lovely travel photos to take home. Be sure that you learn your camera like the back of your hand before you travel. Make sure that you also develop your travel photography style. Better bring your camera and charger as well when you travel.

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