Monday, June 13, 2011

Engagement Photos And Why You Should Consider Them

By kim Blake

He asked, she answered and the ring was slid on the third finger of the left hand. They each may not be perfect but they seem perfect for each other. Plans are made, dates are set and engagement photos are soon to be taken.

For as long as a woman can remember, from the time she was just a little girl to now, the perfect wedding may have been dreamed about. The perfect man might never have appeared, but then no one is without flaws of some kind.

As uncomfortable as it may be for one or the other of the couple, they realize that they must have a photo to insert into the local papers, both locally and in their hometowns. This fact makes it a better experience and they endure the time and the many poses it may take to achieve their objective of a suitable snapshot.

Poses of several different kinds may be used, as could a multitude of backgrounds. Couples, take note, this could be a run-through for the wedding pictures. Practice makes perfect, many say so using this time to become comfortable in front of a camera could be helpful for events to come.

If the same photographer is used for both pre-marriage and wedding photographs, the first ones could be a time to build a rapport with the picture taker. When this person knows a little about the couple, the person may have more idea what they want to portray in their snaps. These black and whites in the newspaper may be the only way folks at a great distance might be able to see the future bride and groom.

If there ever would be a time when a side of one person is shown to the other that they have never seen, being in front of a camera for engagement photos may do the trick. Of course, this time can also be good practice for the upcoming wedding photos that will be taken as well. Once the entire fantasy-like marriage process is over, then real life can begin.

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