Saturday, June 11, 2011

What You Should Include In A Photography Portfolio

By Peter A. Puentavilla

For many photographers, the determining factor that can make or break a job interview is their portfolio. A photography portfolio can be a showcase of an entire career's worth of work if you have many years of experience under your belt. It can also help give insight into your skill and competency in your craft if you are just starting out. It pays to take the time to put together your own portfolio, but what exactly should you put in it?

This can depend on a variety of things but is largely determined by your target audience and the kind of position or job you are being interviewed for. If the work that you will be doing is not centered around any theme then the best that you can do is to showcase your overall talent. Only your best work should be considered for inclusion and then arranged according to specific categories or themes.

For example photography portfolios can have a separate section for black and white photography, nature shots, portraits, or any other theme or category so that your portfolio will have a structured presentation while displaying your work. Also, if you have an abundance of works, you might need to consider making multiple portfolios each with a theme of their own.

If your audience is after a more specific theme then you should only include works that showcase your skill with that particular theme. So you should only include wedding-related photography if you specialize in weddings or if a couple approaches you to be their wedding photographer. Don't hesitate to display work that has been published or has received acclaim from critics.

You can make a clipping to include in your portfolio if it has been published in a newspaper or magazine. Include a section for the table of contents and don't forget to caption your work for easier referencing by your prospective employers.

Presentation is just as important as the quality of the pieces themselves. Organizing how your work is arranged in the portfolio is just a waste of time if you put it into an ordinary plastic ring binder. This shows how little pride you take into your work and is an indicator of a lack of professionalism and experience. Try logging onto sites like for possible deals on quality portfolio cases. While they might be expensive, portfolio cases made in leather and other similarly tasteful materials are a great investment.

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