Sunday, January 15, 2012

Strategies On How To Take A Good Picture

By Augustine Wong

If you are new to photography, you need to do some research about techniques and equipment so you can take more interesting pictures. This article contains a few tips to get you started with your photography endeavors.

If possible, you want the photo subject to be directly looking at the camera. For some unique pictures, try to have your subject look off the camera, have them focus on something outside the field of view of the camera. You could also have them focus on an item that is within the frame of the picture.

Hold your camera correctly if you want to take great pictures. If you are not educated in how to correctly hold the camera, then you are unable to obtain a stable image. The arms should remain close to the body with the lens supported by the non-dominant hand. Experiment with your camera's flash feature during the night and day. If you do not use the flash when shooting, your images may be excessively dark.

Edit your photos yourself! There are a variety of different editing software for photos that are available to you. Choose a package that has a lot of options when it comes to editing your photos. You should use a program you feel comfortable with.

Think about buying a tripod if you are sincere in wanting to get better shots. A tripod's main purpose is providing a steady base to stabilize your camera. This will help if you are snapping shots far away or with low light. A tripod also is extremely helpful in timed photography and for self-portraits.

You do not have to always hold your camera horizontally when taking pictures. Vertical shots can produce some excellent looking photographs. Zoom in if necessary to get a full effect, or zoom out to capture human subjects from head to toe.

Don't purchase a camera that needs lithium batteries if you plan on traveling with it. Airports have banned loose batteries from being allowed in luggage as they are said to pose a risk to overheating and causing a fire. The only batteries you will be permitted to bring with you will be those which are within your camera itself.

In your minds eye, picture the viewfinder as being segmented into nine equal parts, three horizontal and three vertical, like a tic-tac-toe board. Place your subject at the point of intersection, instead of in the middle of the shot, and suddenly your picture has a sense of drama.

Instead of just letting the pictures be what they already are, you should set up the scenes in them yourself. Don't be afraid to tell your subjects how and where to position themselves. If you successfully dictate the aspects within your frame, your photos have better quality than if you just stand passively by and shoot without providing direction to your subject.

Try taking photos at different angles to make them more creative. Head-on shots are common; anyone can shoot those kinds of pictures. Look down to the ground, or look up at something to get an interesting perspective. Consider experimenting with the way you compose your images with different sideways angles.

Focus on shutter and film speed, aperture, and other things that relate to exposure. Learn what you can about exposure to help improve your photography.

Many digital cameras are made with a built-in flash that will pop up automatically when the lighting is dimmer. This is wonderful for taking a quick photo, though if you want your pictures to look more professional, try investing in a type of external flash unit that will give you a broad range of light. If you decide you do need an external flash, invest in a camera with a "hot shoe" to fit the flash into, and consult a professional to learn which flashes are a good fit for your camera.

Photography involves more than just snapping good shots of people or objects. The quality of the photos you shoot will only increase by doing this.

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