Friday, September 7, 2012

What Animals Are The Likely Stars Of Yellowstone Photography

By Tara Webb

When it comes to taking photos of animals, the Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming has abundant possibilities. In terms of the scenery of its main locations, it is hard to find better backdrops for wildlife pictures anywhere in the United States. What makes Yellowstone photography really appealing though is the range of animals which can be seen and photographed in the National Park.

One thing to always remember when attempting to take photographs of wild animals though is that they are wild, as in not tame. You should therefore always keep a safe distance and never attempt to feed any wild animals at all, as this can lead to aggression. You should never approach within 100 yards of Grizzly Bears, Black Bears or Gray Wolves in the park, nor within 25 yards of all other animals.

As long as you remember to keep safe, you can be rewarded with some marvelous sights. The Grizzly Bear is one of the most impressive animals in the park, a huge omnivore which can out-sprint a horse. A full grown Grizzly can weigh as much 600 pounds, and is much less common than the smaller Black Bear.

Black Bears are actually very common all over the mainland United States and Canada. In Yellowstone, photographers can see them in the edges of tree lines during summer months, foraging. The much bigger Grizzly tends to be more commonly seen in open areas.

Deer of several species are very common in the park, and the Moose is the biggest of them all. A male moose of full maturity and growth can weigh more than 1000 pounds, a very impressive spectacle to capture on film. Also in the park is the Elk, the most common of the many large mammals in the region, which acts as a main source of prey for the local carnivores.

Mule deer also roam through the area, offering more opportunities for impressive looking snaps. If you are patient enough, you might also manage to trap a Pronghorn or two in your camera viewer. The Pronghorn is North America's fastest land animal, and can reach running speeds of up to 60 miles an hour, something it uses to protect it from predators like Coyotes and Gray Wolves.

Coyote was once the dominant canine species in Yellowstone, though that changed when the Gray Wolf was re-introduced to Yellowstone in 1995. Gray Wolves had previously been wiped out by man's extermination programs in the 1920s, but a pack now thrives after getting settled. Coyotes are much smaller than Gray Wolves, with the latter typically weighing between 40 and 140 pounds, while a Coyote usually only weighs around 20 to 30.

With such a range of stunningly dramatic animals to capture on film, it is no wonder that Yellowstone photography appeals to so many wildlife photographers. Bears, wolves and birds like the Bald Eagle and the Trumpeter Swan all contribute to a rich ecosystem. With some planning and patience, you can capture great images of impressive wildlife all year round in this beautiful national park.

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