Tuesday, September 4, 2012

What Are the Uses of A CYC Wall

By Chloe Gib

A CYC wall is a background that is used in theaters and photography. Its appearance can be controlled by controlling lighting and projecting colored lights and patterns on it so that the effect is visually stimulating. In this kind of screen, corners and seams will not be obvious so that when lit in a certain way, the illusion of infinity is achieved.

If the backdrop is painted white, then it can be used to take photos that have no background. Green screen CYC is utilized to mask the background and provide an illusion. Building a cyclorama will usually mean building a curving screen with no visible seams. Different materials can be used for construction like wood or fiber glass.

A basic method to constructing one of your own involves first deciding what size the wall should be. Plywood sheets are then used to cover the wall and the floor. These are attached using construction adhesive and drywall screws. Angles are eliminated using plywood triangles cut at a curved angle.

Mesh lath is then applied to the curved site. Then, fiberglass is used to coat the structure twice. Then four coatings of drywall compound are applied. Each coat is permitted to dry and is smoothed with by sanding. Primer is then used to coat the surface before the white paint is applied to the background.

Green screen CYCs also use a similar design. The paint however will be green and a specific type is needed to make sure that its reflective properties are compatible for use. Paint is essential in making the subject look natural against the background. Considerations for space should also be factored in since the dimensions determine the amount of motion that can occur. Lighting should also be even to maximize effects.

Because of the wide range of effects it can produce, it is used in many industrial applications. Fashion photography often uses this technique to play around with the elements of a photo. Television and movies also utilize cycloramas for special effects. Car and custom photography also utilize studio CYC to create images.

Using a cyclorama will mean having complete control over the lighting. Therefore sunlight and other kinds of illumination other than your own should be eliminated. The subject and the light source should then be positioned accordingly.

Just by changing the angle of light and positioning it so that it evenly lights the CYC wall, you can get an infinite background. If you utilize no light on the cyclorama except on the subject, then you will have a black background. By controlling the amount of light and its angle, you can project silhouettes and gradients to give you the image you want.

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