Saturday, June 29, 2013

ABRSM Music Exams Format

By Anita Hale

Learning grades in music gives students the chance to understand the subtleties of their instrument. This is why so many people that have music lessons also take music exams. These exams provide a framework for learning a particular instrument and also teach the music theory associated with it.

Now how can you take these graded exams? You or your school will have a choice between three examining bodies. The main one that people use is ABRSM. This stands for the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music. The other two bodies are Trinity College London and London College of Music. ABRSM is hugely popular due to its detailed syllabus and range of sheet music it publishes in conjunction with this.

The most popular exams offered by ABRSM are definitely the practical exams. These can currently be taken for any of a range of thirty-five different instruments. All practical exams start at grade 1 for beginners and go up to grade 8 for experts. However, ABRSM also offer exams in practical musicianship, music theory and jazz.

Now let's examine what actually takes place during a practical exam. The first thing you should know is that every practical exam, regardless of grade, is divided into four components. The first component carries the highest value of marks. This is the set pieces component. ABRSM brings out a course syllabus for every grade of every instrument they offer exams in. From this syllabus the student will be guided by their teacher to select three pieces of music to play during their exam. They practice these pieces thoroughly for the exam and can take the sheet music in with them. Each piece is worth 30 marks, with twenty needed for each to pass the component.

After set pieces comes the scales and arpeggios component. This requires the student to play a variety of scales and arpeggios that the examiner will request on the day. They must play these from memory. The maximum number of marks offered on this component is 21. A minimum score of 14 is required to pass.

Next comes the aural section. Here, the examiner takes over the playing of the instrument. He will play something and then ask the candidate a number of questions about it. This is because the aural section is all about testing the candidate's musical listening ability. The pass mark for the aural is 12 out of 18 marks.

Finally, we come to the sight-reading section. Many fear this part because it requires playing a piece of music "blind". This means that the student will get given some sheet music that they have never seen before and must play. There is a thirty second rehearsal period before the student must perform the piece to the best of their ability. The pass mark is set at 14 out of 21 for sight-reading.

The number of marks needed to pass the exam and be awarded the grade is 100 out of 150. Candidates that score 120 or more will be commended with a pass with merit. Candidates that score 130 or more will be commended with a pass with distinction.

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