Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Aesthetic Value Of Music Festival North Carolina

By Lana Bray

Music festival North Carolina is some special function that is usually held by the people of that place. This function is primarily meant to appreciate the various levels of traditions among the people of that particular place.

Some of the presentations may be of a current setting, whereas others may be of a traditional setting. This therefore means that, the people get to appreciate both modernity and traditions. However, most of them are usually traditional in setting. As such, people concentrate more on what used to happen in their past. Adjudicators who are well versed with knowledge on what used to happen during those days are the ones in charge of the awarding of marks. The emerging winners are normally awarded.

The apparel of the people presenting modern songs must reflect modernity by dressing in the latest trends in fashion. Those dealing with the traditional songs must ensure they look as traditional as possible so as not to lose the value of what they used to do in the olden days. The attire of this category is made of very primitive material. These materials include things such as sisal, reeds as well as other up to paper. Even the way these garments are tied up usually reflects traditions in all aspects.

They also do employ the use of ornaments. Most ornaments however are not the modernized variety that is made of precious metals such as gold, silver and diamond among others. The jewels are made of traditional material. Most of them are beaded, in which case the beads originate from various plants. Some may also be made from other animal components for instance feathers. The feathers may be used to make instruments such as earrings, necklaces and anklets among other jewels.

Modernized accompaniments such as trumpets, guitars and keyboards may be used when presenting modernized songs. Those used for traditional songs however are totally different. They include those such as animal horns, psalteries, beaded instruments as well as whistles and many others. The use of these instruments are a sign of appreciating what people are given or what a given culture of people use in their activities.

These presentations have got their merit as well as their demerits. The merits include the fact that trough this function, different cultures are identified and appreciated by many people in society. Also, the modernized people are reminded of their origins and the kind of lives their forefathers led. Besides, the children participating also get to learn so much about their past as well as get free time to relax their minds a bit off books.

The demerits however also are a number. The people presenting these pieces of art may misrepresent another culture. This may provoke the individual owners of that particular culture, since they may not be in a position to understand that was not done intentionally. The musicians participating there also may tend to be more inclined towards these activities as opposed to more important things such as their academics. This may lead to bringing up people that are not productive in the society.

Music festival North Carolina has been a very fruitful undertaking to virtually every individual watching it happen. Many people have been enriched traditionally by everything that happens during these performances.

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