Thursday, October 17, 2013

Who Is The Real Ghislaine Pierre

By Catalina Nielsen

Being a writer is a gift. Being a singer is no ordinary either. However, being both, that would be extraordinary like Ghislaine Pierre. She is one of the few people who never fails to enlighten the mind of people because of the inspirations she gives off out of her system. Not only through the words composed into a poem. But also through the music where she also sings her heart out.

It is true that not all people re gifted to sing. But then, not everybody is good with the field that you are good at. So you have nothing to worry about because the loving Father is fair. He has given you an extraordinary skill that can be harnessed if you only have chosen to.

Writing is a freedom of expression and the talent that is only received by some. If you ain't got this gift, then you still have to be thankful because you are good at things that writers are not. And if you are a writer yourself, you have to be grateful too for you have the capacity to transform your thoughts into words that will be a great deal of inspiration to any person who happen to read it.

Singing is also a kind of talent that not everybody where able to grab during the showering of talents. One needs to hum a sweet lullaby before she opens her mouth and started singing lyrics. Which happens to be the manifestation of the emotions the singer feels towards something.

But if you both got it, consider yourself too blessed to be gifted white such. Not only that you can send the beautiful and sweet melodies levitating in the mid air. You can also write the lyrics that are all a product of your experiences. Thus, considered to be a hard job by most individuals.

Not to mention if you are also an entertainer yourself who never bore the audience. Which is a hard job considering the fact that you have to talk to a mess audience that is at the venue where you are dinging your heart out. You need to communicate and stand on common ground to make them relate.

She is just one of the few people who dreamed and who believed in herself. Until reaching the point of the peak of here climb. Thus, using only the gifts that were blessed and gifted to her by the Father above. All of those struggles she faced, she made it a motivation to still go on a fight.

It is a great thing that she has been too grateful along the way. All for the reason that it had become the light that lighten up her way towards the tunnel that enclosed her and trapped her in the world of misery. After that, she has till made it with the brand new version of her.

If you want a piece of her work, Ghislaine Pierre just released her book. All of which the products of her hard work and her struggles for the blessing that she has received. You can also check out her online page to know more about her. The upcoming book signing and other related activities.

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