Friday, October 18, 2013

Who Is The Real Ghislaine Pierre

By Catalina Nielsen

Being a writer is a gift. Being a singer is no ordinary either. However, being both, that would be extraordinary like Ghislaine Pierre. She is one of the few people who never fails to enlighten the mind of people because of the inspirations she gives off out of her system. Not only through the words composed into a poem. But also through the music where she also sings her heart out.

Indeed, not everybody in this world can quite and sing at the moment. They have different skills and all of them vary in the passion that keeps burning in their hearts. So in case like you are insecure about the skills you ain't got, you may as well look in the brighter side and harness your potentials to be better and become better.

Writing is a no ordinary kind of job. You will have to have the passion as well as the wide vocabulary in order to create the masterpiece that will strike the readers with awe. If not strike them with awe, then at least be touched in the raw. So of you can not dance but you can write, you must be thankful for it is a gift that not everybody received.

Singing is also a kind of talent that not everybody where able to grab during the showering of talents. One needs to hum a sweet lullaby before she opens her mouth and started singing lyrics. Which happens to be the manifestation of the emotions the singer feels towards something.

But to have both of the gifts that were mentioned above, that is considered a too blessed life you got right there. So before you complain that you ain't no person who can deliver lines and portray a role, perhaps you have to think again. Who can sing their own song without buying the lyrics that were made by someone for you.

Not to mention if you are also an entertainer yourself who never bore the audience. Which is a hard job considering the fact that you have to talk to a mess audience that is at the venue where you are dinging your heart out. You need to communicate and stand on common ground to make them relate.

She is just one of the few people who dreamed and who believed in herself. Until reaching the point of the peak of here climb. Thus, using only the gifts that were blessed and gifted to her by the Father above. All of those struggles she faced, she made it a motivation to still go on a fight.

It is needed that one person will be thankful for all the blessings that were received a well as the problems. All for the reason that it will brings lot of lessons that will guide her in her daily walks of life. Thus, will make her better, stronger, bolder, wiser, and better individual which has the ability to inspire other through her works that came from all the struggles and everything she went through.

If you need to have a glimpse of Ghislaine Pierre, then you may visit her website. And as far as your concern, she also just released a book that is a byproduct of her hard works. If you are a fan, you may check out the page and allow her to tell you about the book signing and gigs she will be visiting.

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