Friday, January 3, 2014

How To Decide Which Instrument Is Best For Your Child

By Madeleine Bridgeman

There are many reasons why it is a good idea to sign your child up for music lessons. For one thing, it's a great way for them to truly express themselves creatively and develop a lifelong love of music. Learning an instrument also improves discipline and has been shown to improve the function of our brain, not to mention that those who study music tend to score better on tests and have higher grades. If you are ready to sign up your child for music lessons, here are a few helpful tips.

Prior to purchasing or renting an instrument, you need to think about what type of instrument best suits the personality of your child. For example, if your child is very shy, then you might want to steer away from the trumpet, the saxophone or the flute. The flute players generally sit right up in front of the band, which might make your child uncomfortable. Trumpet and saxophone solos often are common and this will place your child at center stage, which they might not want.

In addition, the age in which they begin taking lessons also should be a factor in which instrument you select. Some instruments, such as the bassoon or tuba, are simply too large for small children. If your child is very young, any type of stringed instrument might be a good idea as you can rent or purchase very small violins, cellos, violas and even guitars. The piano is another option to consider as your child will learn to read both the treble clef and bass clef, which will be helpful if they add another instrument to their repertoire later.

One way to help your child decide which instrument to learn how to play is to simply give them some exposure. There are several websites that provide kid-friendly information about the instruments of the orchestra and what each one looks like and sounds like. Play music in the car or at home that features a specific instrument, such as a song with acoustic guitar or perhaps a song with a flute solo or a French horn solo. At school, most children play violin, flute, clarinet, trumpet and saxophone, but there are tons of other great options to consider if your child knows about them.

If your child wants to learn about an instrument that is less typical at their elementary or middle school, consider opting for private lessons. This might mean taking bass guitar lessons or learning how to play the drums as if you were part of a rock band. You can find a good music teacher for just about any instrument you can imagine or even take vocal lessons if that is where your child's interest lies.

When searching for a music school in San Clemente or perhaps music lessons in Laguna Niguel or music classes in Dana Point, it is a good idea to find a school that teaches the basics in a more exciting way than a traditional music school. Los Rios Rock School, for instance, offers private music lessons as well as a rock band experience for its students. Students team up in actual rock bands and perform at local concert venues such as Coach House and the House of Blues.

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