Monday, January 20, 2014

Truth Behind The Rockstar Wife Life

By Marissa Velazquez

The rockstar wife life is a life full of glamour, exclusive parties, and a lot more than meets the eye. Often time the media depicts a false reality of what their lives are like without the cameras when their rocker husbands have to travel away from home. Aside from the fame and the money, they are human and deal with real issues like regular people only their are more eyes watching them as life unfolds.

To understand the lives of these rocker wives you have to first understand the lives of their husbands. Often times musicians have a very demanding schedule that requires constant travel and a great deal of absence away from their home and the people they love. The biggest temptation for musicians is the countless number of women, also referred to as groupies, that constantly throw themselves at vulnerable musicians.

A lot of us may have seen a glimpse of what a rockstar wife life is like based on the number of reality shows out there, but this is just a small percentage of the marriages and often don't give you the full picture. Also we've seen relationships rise and crumble on the cover of magazines for multiple rockers.

The rockstar wife life is often full of time apart of their spouse, but this also depends on whether their rocker husband is still active in the music industry or retired. If the rocker actively performs and travels away from home relationships become tense if there isn't an understanding of monogamy and trust within the relationship. Often time the distance and time apart along with infidelity is what jeopardizes the marriage the most.

If the marriage happens to be childless, circumstances drastically change. Often times wives can be found on the road traveling with their husbands or traveling out to events, concerts, and various venues where they mix and mingle with celebrities and other wealthy people. Rocker wives have to be willing to enjoy both the perks and downfalls of a rocker marriage like the inability to schedule plans in advance due to their husbands busy lifestyle.

When it comes to distance and time apart, a road trip away from home can last for a few days up to months. When children are involved picking up and following around a rocker is not only challenging, its almost impossible to keep up for moths on tour. But, the lifestyle can also be accommodating when necessary. For example, some rockers that agree to comeback style tours refuse to travel without their families.

For one reason or another, many rocker marriages end with a divorce instead of a happily ever after. As an exception to the divorce rule, rocker Jon Bon Jovi has somehow become the poster boy for rocker marriages having been married to his high school sweetheart over 20 years.

Putting aside the glamour, events, red carpets, and fame that come with the rockstar wife life things are not always as they appear. The high profile pedestal we often place them on is often accompanied by various pitfalls like spousal absence.

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