Friday, March 14, 2014

Different Types Of Violin Chinrest Styles

By Jaclyn Hurley

There are various things to consider when you play an instrument. Part of the process is making sure you know how to play the instrument and that you get the best from it. Another important aspect is making sure that you feel physically comfortable while you are playing an instrument. This is especially important while you are playing a violin. If you want to play your violin comfortably it is recommended that you use a rest. There are various types of violin chinrest styles and it is worth considering what is best suited to your needs.

You may wonder why a rest is important. Indeed some musicians do not like to use a rest because they consider that this creates a distance between themselves and the instrument. Therefore they suffer discomfort because they feel that this physicality adds to the performance while they are playing. There is also an argument that many of the greatest musicians did not use chinrests and feel that the sound is maximised without the use of them.

There is also the theory that using a rest affects the sound. They argue that a number of the great classical musicians did not use a rest. Whether or not this is true or not is debatable.

It is estimated that there are at least 50 different types of chinrest available. Therefore you have numerous different options to consider when thinking about what is most appropriate for you and your instrument. It is very important to find something that will allow you to play with a minimum of discomfort.

The most popular type is known as the Guarneri. This is where an attachment is positioned in the centre of a tailpiece and a chincup is positioned on the left of the tailpiece. Another type known as the Flesch has a cup that is placed over the centre of the tailpiece. There is no right or wrong in this instance and it depends purely on what you personally find comfortable.

Whatever type you choose it is vital that it fits you. There are a number of professionals you can go to who can resize rests. This will make it easier for you to be able to play your instrument as the rest will be specifically fitted. As with any professional you should check to see how professional they are. A quick check online can help you learn more about the quality of service they have to offer and whether other people who play violins are satisfied with the service they received.

Another variety is the Flesch. This has a cup placed over the centre of the tailpiece. It is best to experiment with a number of different types. With over 50 styles available you should try a number of them in order to decide which one is most comfortable for you.

One thing to be aware of is some people may be allergic to the metal used in some chinrests. There are hypo allergenic items available and if you are worried about potential allergic reactions you should look for this type. You can find these and a wide array of chinrests by using your regular search engine. It is also recommended to look for customer reviews from other musicians to find the best one to suit your needs.

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