Sunday, March 16, 2014

Take A Peek Of The Life Of A Rockstar Wife

By Jaclyn Hurley

If you search the internet, the first thing that you will notice is the array of blogs and websites whose topics are about the life of a rockstar wife. If you want to read one, you have a lot of choices. There are many blogs that you can read about such topic. Reading them lets you in on the everyday goings on of their lives.

Most people would be curious to know what is going inside the house of someone who has married a famous musician. If the musician is rich and famous, most people would think that the spouse is very lucky and living the life of luxury. Well not everybody. There are spouses that live behind the shadows of their famous partners.

Sure it is very exciting to be married to one. You would think you will also have a glamorous life. Not likely. You might like it at first but when reality sinks its teeth to bite, you will not find it funny anymore. In fact, you might be pissed to always have these people tagging along every time you guys go on a date.

There is no private moment between the two of you. You will always be on the lookout for paparazzis. These are annoying photographers who run after celebrities for their photo. Some of the paparazzis do not have high regards for privacy. It is the only word in the English language that they know nothing about.

He will be very busy preparing for concerts, other singing engagements, signing autographs to delirious fans, attending interviews on television and may be shooting as well for his mtv or music television video. Celebrity musicians are quite busy with their own gigs. True enough that they rake in hefty amounts of money but more often than not, they have less time to spend with their families and loved ones.

Expect that the capture will run front page of tomorrow's headlines of tabloids. Tabloids can be so unforgiving. They can write just about the cruelest things that they can get hands on the celebrity. That is why some celebrities succumb to the pressure. They use drugs and alcohol to escape from it.

Others survive while some are unfortunate enough to come out dead. Some spouses of celebrities do not come out in public. The world does not know that they are the spouse of a celebrity musician. They do this to protect their families and to preserve that little privacy they have.

They always have to look good or else if they are caught in camera looking like hag who has just got out of bed, a bad scoop will be written. Celebrities are very conscious about their image. They have to protect this image with all their might because it is their source of income. Musicians are also celebrities only that their talents and field of expertise is in music.

As for musicians, it is both their appearance and voice that make them sell. It is not easy to be the spouse of a musician or any celebrity for that matter. It is a responsibility that is not for everybody. One thing that people need to correct about spouse of musicians and celebrities, not all the time things are glamorous and fun.

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