Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Reasons World Of Tanks Is So Popular

By Jaclyn Hurley

Many people, both young and old, love to spend time on line playing games. There are literally thousands to choose from and fortunately many of them are free to download. Those who have an interest in the military should check out World of Tanks. This fun and exciting game has many players all over the world.

The game has really taken the world by storm. Many people learn about it through word of mouth referrals from friends in the gaming community. Once they have tried it once they are always ready to come back for more. A big part of the attraction is that people can learn from their mistakes and improve on strategies. Each time they play they find that they are learning some new tricks and tips. Many people feel that they really get into the minds of a German tank commanders and that is a very big achievement.

Players are so enthralled because each time they play they are able to build on their skills. At first they make a lot of mistakes and often loose the battles. But as they progress they are able to use their new found tactics to improve on their battle strategies. Joining a group, known in the game as a clan, is one of the best ways to work with others and really have fun.

Clans are groups of players who work together to develop their team work and strategies. It is also an opportunity to develop leadership skills and learn to command troops. Most people begin by joining an established clan, but as they gain in experience they may want to start their own. This allows them to select their own team members and find those with similar interests.

One of the best features of the game is the outstanding attention to detail and graphics used. The battle scenes are so realistic they have clearly had a tremendous amount of effort put into them. Each tank is depicted in amazing detail making them easy to distinguish from each other. They are also very quick to move around and respond well to every command. Being in charge of your own tank division is a great thrill and keeps many youngsters busy for hours.

A new player will really need to devote some time to learning all the strategies and tactics. When they first log on it is important to click the Game tab. This will take them into their own personal garage which contains not only their vehicles but also the control panels. They will need to learn how to drive a tank and how to participate in battles. The Newcomers Guide is well worth the time as it is packed with helpful hints.

The game has such a huge following there is also an active on line community devoted to newsletters, art work and much more. Newcomers often chat on the forum as a way to learn about the strategies used by the more skilled players.

Skirmishes are also very popular. They allow players to develop their skills and learn about the capability of each tank. This makes it possible for each new play to make their way up the ranks.

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