Friday, May 29, 2015

Finding Tribute Bands For Hire

By Ericka Marsh

There are many times when hiring a live band for an event can make all the difference. There are many tribute bands for hire and one should be selected that best suits the type of occasion and that the guests will enjoy most. A band of this nature often spends a great deal of time perfecting their act and making sure that they honor the original creators of the music.

They all have their own way of recreating the experience of listening to the original band. Some of them go to great lengths to wear the same clothes, hairstyles and lead singers even copy mannerisms and tonal nuances. Others focus more on the music itself, using the same types of instruments and amplifiers to recreate it as closely as possible. However, some groups have been going for so many years that they have developed their own ways of interpreting the music, still capturing its essence.

A great help when making a choice is to listen to demo tracks. These tracks are created in a studio so one does not receive the same impression as a live performance but it does give some idea of what the band sounds like. A video of a live show gives more idea of the overall experience provided.

The venue in which an event is to be held affects the choice of band. A large live band with a full orchestra is perfect for a big arena. Any big band is better suited to a large space with a stage. A band can often adapt to suit a particular venue, cutting down to basics for a smaller, more intimate venue and adding more members and instruments when the venue is big enough.

There are no standard prices as they are influenced by the size of the band, their experience, length of performance and many other factors. The more experienced bands are able to charge much more than those who are still building their reputations. A band may be able to adjust what is offered to suit a specific budget.

Some of the groups use professionally recorded backing tracks. This helps them to create a full sound and still be affordable. It also means they are more adaptable to smaller venues.

When booking a band, make sure that enough time is allowed for setting up and doing a sound check in the space where they will perform. They will usually need a private room where they can change into their costumes and and get ready for the performance. The performance lengths vary and can be adapted to suit a particular event. Most groups offer a single set performance of about an hour or two sets of half an hour each with a break in between.

Once a band has been selected, a check can be made to find out whether it is available on the date. A quote will include all the costs such as transport and any extras. Once a booking has been made, a contract is signed by the band and the client. A deposit is usually required upfront to secure the booking.

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