Sunday, May 24, 2015

The Evolution Of Local Hip Hop

By Tammie Caldwell

Hip Hop is one of the coolest genres of music. It consists of rhythmic sound with lyrical rhymes. This is the category that rap falls under. Under this, there are also other subcultures that came. Breakdance is influenced by the beat of this kind of tune. Those who live down South of Florida are into it. As a matter of fact, everything about this culture started there.

The instruments being used here are usually percussion and turntables. In the later developments, it has incorporated beatboxing as well, which is done by creating a drum like beat using the mouth. Many are already skilled with this. Then dubstep came which is also one of the beats being used in rap. Local hip hop Fort Lauderdale, FL has so many talents to showcase. Some of them are independent or indie artists.

Contrary to the first impression that the genre is generally about rapping, it is actually very flexible. It can mix with different genres as well. In addition, it is not merely about making music, it is also about getting into the music and getting influenced by it. DJs and turntable scratchers do not necessarily compose music. They simply enhance them.

On the other hand, he breakdancers do not produce the beats. They simply jive into it, while the graffiti artists are artists who associate their arts with urban culture, which is the culture of hip hop. They have a very booming culture as many other sub genres emerged one after another.

They are the ones who first coined the term and incorporated other styles with it. It is perfect when combined with Rhythm and Blues. For instance, the song is comprised with chanted verses and Rhythm and Blues chorus. The result is very appealing to the youth since the topics being written in songs are mainly about love, being broken hearted, and being bitter about love.

In the early two thousands, rap was merged with rock and metal music. Thus, the sub genre called rap metal became phenomenal during the era. The evolution of this urban music is double edged since it created both negative and positive friction in the music industry.

In the early two thousands, rap metal boomed. It was the genre that has been introduced in the late nineties by Limp Bizkit. However, some lyrics are really obscene and that they are bad influences to the youth. But many claim that it actually just depends on the listener.

On the other hand, it has positive effects when it comes to art and expressionism. Its continuous evolution has influenced the generation to become more experimental and creative. Flip top, for example, is a form of expressionism, which is done artistically using rap. And this is part of the subculture. However, its element is not really morally beneficial because it encourages mocking, racism, and degradation of the personality of the opponent.

Despite this fact, they are still being supported by the music industry. They are sometimes sued because of their offensive lyrics but musicians are usually protected by the freedom of speech clause. There are others that think they are the bravest and boldest people they know so they idolize them.

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