Friday, May 15, 2015

Turning Into A Local Hip Hop Star

By Tammie Caldwell

Making a mark in this industry is not that easy. However, that is not enough reason for you to stop achieving your dreams. In fact, use this article for you to be properly guided. With this source, you would become better with what you have decided to do for the rest of your life and that is vital.

First, you will need to expand your knowledge on the music industry that you have chosen. Be reminded that the world of local hip hop Dade County can be a large one. If you will not cover every side of it by being an active listener, then people will only laugh at your limited thoughts.

Second, you would need to record your voice when you are practicing. Keep in mind that your success would start with the fact that you believe in yourself. If you did not have the proper timing in one of your recordings, then you have to do it all over again for you to correct your mistakes.

Third, you would have to possess a thesaurus by your side. Remember that you would be reading a message in here most of the time and not sing. If you would not completely understand what you are saying, then people would criticize you for that and that can be the end of your uprising career.

Your voice will have to be clear even when you are reciting something on a top speed. You may think that this is possible but then, there are already other rappers out there who have already made it. Thus, use them as your inspiration to climb your own ladder of success since that is where your dreams are.

You should be more of a composer as each day goes by. Never put any pressure on yourself in here. That is because your creativity is not something that you can force to come out. Once the words come to you, then that will be the time for you to record them and add some rhythm.

Be more confident when you are facing a lot of people. Keep in mind that all of them have come to see you perform. If you would fail them on that one and let your fear get in the way, then you would start lose your solid fans and that can be the worst thing that can happen to a star like you.

Never try to be anyone else in the industry that you are in. You have been given with the chance to shine and you must not do that living in the shadow of another person. That is not the kind of life that you must live as a star.

Overall, you just need to be the best that you can be in Dade County, FL. Also, maintain your personality and never do anything just because you are seeing everybody doing it. That would lead you to be just like anybody else and that would not help your star shine .

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