Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Bands Like 19 Lions Are Not What It Seems

By Donna Moore

Rock and roll music has long been an avenue where those with a religious perspective push their beliefs on young people. Bands such as 19 Lions attempt to convince young people to get on their knees and submit to the authority of a church. It teaches them self-hatred and subjugation to an institution which, historically, has done more harm than good.

The whole Christian faith was falsely created at the Counsel of Nicaea in an attempt to unite the now overly-inflated Roman Empire under one God. It worked beautifully, and continues to bring power, wealth, and prestige to Rome to this day. Within a hundred years of its creation, Rome was spreading religion rather than civilization, and the Dark Ages emerged.

Modern Pagans and Wiccans refer to this as the Burning Times, and they still follow old laws of secrecy which date back to this imposition of Christian dogma. Most of the outer areas of the Roman republic had no understanding of Christianity when it began to spread on the tip of the Roman sword. Had they fully understood the implications, they probably would have fought it more ferociously.

It is through convincing people that they are born flawed, and must be saved by a God who is but is not God, that Christianity began to sink claws into humanity. Once a person feels guilt for existing, then they become relieved at the notion of salvation. Submitting to the authority of a church becomes a necessity when they are told that only the representatives of the church can commune with God on their behalf.

According to Christianity, without salvation one will endure physical torment in a lake of fire where their flesh will burn for all eternity. Of course, these ancient Catholic bishops claimed that no one could even speak to God or Jesus except through them, and for generations they prohibited the general population from being educated. It guaranteed power, money, and authority for religious institutions for all time.

The Roman Catholic Church is clearly the remnants of a fallen Roman Empire. Since the days of Rome, Christianity has slaughtered millions of so-called heretics who were Jews, Muslims, and Pagans. To this day the hundreds of ideological spin-offs continue to invade old-world countries with missionaries who seek to destroy the ancient culture of a nation and claim resources for their own church.

To this day it is not known just how much human history and knowledge has been stolen by Christianity via holy wars waged for the past two-thousand years. Entire communities, libraries, artworks, and other memorabilia have disappeared into the coffers of the Popes and Bishops in Rome. The human race has been given a watered-down version of history that grants us only 10,000 years of existence, and all of our society has been created around this flawed perspective.

With this history, and the Christian insistence on pushing beliefs such as the Rapture, it makes one wonder why any parent would push this perspective on their children. Rock and roll music is supposed to be about the joy of living. When the singer is lolling on and on about what a sinner they are and begging forgiveness for being born, the whole point to the freedom of music is lost.

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